20710525 - Methodology of musical Analysis

The course aims to provide students with the critical and technical skills to analyze scores from different eras, periods and different authors, also with reference to the teaching of musical disciplines in school classes.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Introduction: What is music analysis. History of music analysis
Principal methodologies of music analysis
Exercises of phraseological analysis
Exercises of morphological analysis
Exercises of analysis of thematic derivation

Core Documentation

CLEMENS KÜHN, Il linguaggio delle forme nella musica occidentale, Milano, Unicopli, 1987: part III (Musica e tempo), IV (Elementi strutturali della composizione), V (Melodia) and VI (Forma musicale e opera musicale)
IAN BENT – WILLIAM DRABKIN, Analisi musicale, Torino, EDT, 1990: chapters I (L’analisi musicale in generale) and IV (La metodologia dell’analisi)

Type of delivery of the course

The course is articulated in 10 lessons: the first part is a theoretical presentation, the second part presents some analytical examples with different methodological approaches and different goals

Type of evaluation

Discussion about lesson arguments and texts indicated in the bibliography. Presentation of an analysis of a composition selected from a composition list