The workshop introduces through direct and guided experiences to the professional skills and practices of observation and writing in theatre criticism, in print media and periodicals, in radio, tv and media channels and in digital information. The participants are led to study and witness theatre practices beyond performances, with a deep insight in economies, cultures and projects of performing arts. Besides theatre criticism, students will be also involved in training activities concerning press office, promotional networks and publishing and multimedia projects about festivals and theatre seasons and meetings.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Analysis of the different currents of theatrical criticism from the early twentieth century to today. Methods of analysis of traditional theater and of the new forms of the theatricals Shows. Writing of texts, reviews, presentations.

Core Documentation

Andrea Porcheddu - Roberta Ferraresi "Questo fantasma. Il critico a teatro" Titivillus, 2010
Massimo Marino " Lo sguardo che racconta" Carocci, 2004
Silvio d'Amico "La vita del teatro" Bulzoni, 1994
Roberto De Monticelli "L'educazione teatrale" Garzanti, 1986
Angelo Maria Ripellino "Siate buffi: cronache di teatro, circo e altre arti : l'Espresso, 1967-77" Bulzoni 1989

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons

Type of evaluation

During the workshop, students will have to elaborate texts, presentations and reviews of the shows proposed during the meetings.