20710605 - Storia e teoria dell'arte contemporanea LM

The course aims at acquiring autonomous historical analysis and critical interpretation of the artistic phenomena of the contemporary age, with particular regard to the interactions between artistic production and theoretical and aesthetic reflection.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20710598-1 STORIA E TEORIA DELL'ARTE CONTEMPORANEA - LM in Storia dell'arte LM-89 CHIODI STEFANO



Over the course of the 20th century, Italy sought its own cultural center of gravity: an identity capable of solving its relation to a modernity perceived by many—in schizophrenic fashion—both as a disruptive force, and as an indispensable element of any self-definition. Reference to a cultural heritage that is as incomparable as it is unsteady and contradictory has sometimes condensed around the notion of genius loci, a concept which has come to represent, especially in the visual arts field, a kind of fantastical answer to questions about the identity of Italian art. This book reconstructs a genealogy of the genius loci, connecting moments of Italian history, from the post-unification creation of a national art history to Fascism, from the Eighties to the present day. It provides both a reliable account and a critical reading of the fortunes of this idea. At stake in this non-linear genealogy of discourses, memories, and imaginings is the cultural and inevitably political self-recognition of contemporary Italy.

Core Documentation

Stefano Chiodi, Genius Loci. Anatomia di un mito italiano, Quodlibet, Macerata 2021

Type of delivery of the course

In addition to traditional classes, the course includes visits to museums and other places of cultural interest, which will be conducted in accordance with current health regulations.


Classes are broadcast and recorded on Teams and are available via a link on my personal Uniroma3 page: https://www.uniroma3.it/en/persone/cFpYMElOZE1jSTNiTjFtQ1p0NlhaSTJqSkFpU2VJMEc0cFpHamZ1LzFoRT0=/

Type of evaluation

The course does not differentiate between attending and non-attending students. All students are required to attend the classes, live or recorded, and to know the materials presented. - To pass the exam writing a paper is required (see below). - At the end of the first and final module (after 40 and 80 hours respectively) assessment tests will be conducted. 12 CREDITS EXAM: the exam consists in the writing and subsequent discussion of a paper whose subject and specific bibliography must be agreed with the teacher (minimum length 24,000 characters in Italian, including spaces, notes and bibliography). The essay must then be sent by email at least ten days before the exam. A thorough knowledge of the course materials (texts, images, films) and the ability to present and comment on the themes, historical aspects, and works, in the light of the texts listed in the bibliography, is also required. 6 CREDITS EXAM: a written exam takes place in the classroom during each session (or on line) if necessary. It aims to verify the student’s ability to analyze themes, poetics, movements, artists examined in the course and treated in the bibliography and to attest his/her ability to read and interpret works of art, using appropriate critical terminology and relating the work of art to its historical context.