The course aims to deepen the authors , moments , genres and themes that characterize the Italian literature of our time , from the early twentieth century , taking into account also , as much as possible , the links with the other systems of literary expression , other arts , the literatures of other countries , as well as the history and geography of our country. Critical and analytical tools that will be used during the course will also help , the student , to hone their reading mode .
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710561 LETTERATURA ITALIANA CONTEMPORANEA - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 CORTELLESSA ANDREA


Seeing, Pasolini

Core Documentation

a) Pier Paolo Pasolini, La Divina Mimesis, Milano, Mondadori, 2019

b) Pier Paolo Pasolini, Petrolio, edited by Walter Siti, Milano, Garzanti, 2022

c) Vedere, Pasolini, monographic number, edited by Andrea Cortellessa and Silvia De Laude, of «Engramma», 180, may 2021 (on line)

d) Andrea Cortellessa, Una ragione in più per andare all’Inferno, Roma, Contrasto, 2022

e) to give a context in 20th century italian literary history:
Giulio Ferroni, Storia della letteratura italiana, quarto volume: Il Novecento e il nuovo millennio, Milano, Mondadori Università, 2012