22910283 - Philosophy and ethics of technology

The course aims at giving the students awareness, understanding, and autonomy of judgment in regard to the ethical implications of the introduction of the new technologies in the field of media education and e-learning. In this light, we will discuss questions such as the pervasiveness of algorithmically-based decision-making, the right to privacy, the morally controversial advancements of Artificial Intelligence, and the risks that the infosphere poses to individual autonomy.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 22910283 Filosofia ed etica della tecnologia in E-Learning e media education LM-93 DE CARO MARIO


The course will be divided into two parts. In the first, we will address some of the main issues of the contemporary discussion on philosophy and technology, with particular regard for the connected ethical problems: the relationship between humans and machines; the perspectives and challenges of AI; communication in the age of the internet; machines as moral patients and agents. In the second part of the course, with the help of some European Commission officials, we will debate together some of these issues.

Core Documentation

1. Tamburrini, Etica delle macchine, Carocci
2. Floridi, La quarta rivoluzione, Cortina

Type of delivery of the course

Part of the course will be held online, part face-to-face


Not required

Type of evaluation

For the students who will attend the course, on the last day of the course, there will be a written test (with a smaller program), which will be possible to complement with an oral exam. The students who will not attend the course will have to study the entire program.