The teaching of "Movements and authors of the cinema" is part of the training activities characterizing the master's degree course in "Cinema, television and multimedia production". Its intent is to deal with particularly significant periods, themes, styles, works and authors in the history of national and international cinema. The course aims to provide methodological tools and in-depth knowledge in the field of history and aesthetics, to stimulate the ability to critically confront the documental sources, and to acquire a skill in analyzing filmic texts.


Mutuazione: 20702665 MOVIMENTI E AUTORI DEL CINEMA in Cinema, televisione e produzione multimediale LM-65 (docente da definire)

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course will deal with Michelangelo Antonioni. We will follow his artistic path and explore his working method. We will propose a stylistic in deep analysis of his films. We will consider the main articulations of his aesthetic thinking: the nature of the image, his vision of space and time, forms of modernity, his understanding of social, existential and artistic changes from the Fifties to the Seventies.

Core Documentation

TEXTS: Michelangelo Antonioni, Fare un film è per me vivere, Marsilio, Venezia 1994; Giorgio Tinazzi, Michelangelo Antonioni, Il Castoro Cinema, Milano 2002. Non-attending students must read also Sandro Bernardi, Il paesaggio nel cinema italiano, Marsilio, Venezia 2002, with special attention to pages 111-212 involving Antonioni.

FILMOGRAPHY: Gente del Po (1943-1947), Nettezza urbana (1948), L’amorosa menzogna (1949), Superstizione (1949), Cronaca di un amore (1950), I vinti (1952), La signora senza camelie (1953), Le amiche (1955), Il grido (1957), L'avventura (1959), L'eclisse (1962), Il deserto rosso (1964), Blow-up (1966), Zabriskie Point (1970), Professione: reporter (1974).
Films will be shown in full or in part during lessons. Dvd copies will be available at the Biblioteca "Lino Miccichè", via Ostiense 139.

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lectures that aim to provide methodological tools, to deal with the analysis of Italian and international cinema on a historical, critical and theoretical level, and to propose examples of reading and interpretation of filmic texts.

Type of evaluation

Students have the opportunity to present an in-depth text on a topic covered during the course. The text should be about 20,000 characters and will be considered supplementary, not substitutive, of the oral exam. It must be delivered to the teacher 15 days before the exam session.