The course of Topics in the Philosophy of Science is part of the program in Philosophical sciences (MA level) and is included among the complementary training activities.This course introduces some central questions in the philosophy of science and examines them critically. Through the study of classic and/or contemporary texts, students will acquire advanced knowledge of problems at the boundary between science and philosophy. They will also obtain the ability to systematically relate the philosophical and scientific tradition to the most recent developments in these areas.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course is about the main philosophical problems originated by quantum mechanics, in particular the paradox of the famous Schrödinger's cat and the quantum "telepathy" between two twin quantum particles. The preparation for the formulation of these paradoxes will be made possible by the study of a popular book which is at the same time scientifically rigorous but devoid of formulas and technicalities

Core Documentation

1. G.C. Ghirardi. Sneaking a Look at God's Cards: Unraveling the Mysteries of Quantum Mechanics, Princeton University Press, 2007 + instructor's notes

Reference Bibliography

Albert D.Quantum mechanics and experience, Harvard University Press

Type of delivery of the course

Tradizional if allowed by the COVID 19 situation

Type of evaluation

Together with Seminars and reports on the part of the students. Participation of the student during the lectures