Aim of the course is to provide theoretical knowledge about the most relevant theoretical perspectives in dynamic psychology. The course also aims to encourage the development of critical, reflective, and introspective thinking.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course is structured into lectures aimed at acquiring knowledge about the main psychodynamic theories, describing the historical evolution of psychoanalysis from Freud to the most contemporary and relational psychoanalytic perspectives. Points of convergence and divergence between different theoretical perspectives will be discussed in reference to conceptualizations of psychic functioning, psychopathology, and treatment.

Core Documentation

Eagle, M. (2012). Da Freud alla psicoanalisi contemporanea. Critica e integrazione. Raffaello Cortina Editore.

Reference Bibliography

Testi consigliati/di approfondimento Atwood, G. E., & Stolorow, R. D. (1995). I contesti dell’essere. Le basi intersoggettive della vita psichica. Bollati Boringhieri. Auchincloss, E., & Kernberg, O. (2016). Il modello psicoanalitico della mente. Raffaello Cortina Editore. McWilliams, N. (2012). La diagnosi psicoanalitica. Astrolabio. (II edizione rivista e ampliata) Mitchell, S. A., & Black, M. J. (1996). L'esperienza della psicoanalisi: Storia del pensiero psicoanalitico moderno. Bollati Boringhieri.

Type of delivery of the course

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Type of evaluation

Learning results will be assessed by an oral examination using the European parameters described by the 5 Dublin descriptors: 1) Knowledge and ability to understand the main models of psychic and psychopathological functioning within a psychodynamic perspective. 2) Ability to apply the knowledge in various disciplines, and areas of interest (e.g., philosophy, communication, psychology). 3) Ability to analyze independently and critically the contents of the different epistemological perspectives presented. 4) Ability to clearly describe and argue psychodynamic concepts and models by using specialized vocabulary. 5) Ability to deepen, even independently, and to organize in wider theoretical contexts the knowledge learned.