20702679 - History and Historiography of the Contemporary. The Italian Republic

The course introduces students to the main methodological tools and critical analysis of history.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course presents different aspects of historical research methodology, meant both as a set of operational tools and techniques, and as an historical theory. The concept of the Global History will be examined.
The first part of the course (12 hours) introduces the main elements of the history of historiography starting from the birth of the discipline during the nineteenth century. The second part of the course (12 hours) addresses the theoretical and methodological aspects of the use of historical sources with particular attention to "new sources" and dynamic use. The third and final part of the course (12 hours) focuses on the monographic theme of use of oral sources

Core Documentation

- C. Sorba e F. Mazzini, La svolta culturale. Come è cambiata la pratica storiografica, Roma, Laterza, 2021 (184 pp., € 18,00)

- B. Bonomo, Voci della memoria, l’uso delle fonti orali nella ricerca storica, Roma, Carocci, 2015 (176 pp., € 18,00)

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be held in the traditional way or modality of frontal lessons. During the lessons the students are asked to compare the treated topic with their own personal experience.

Type of evaluation

The oral exam focuses on the main topics treated in the textbooks. For attending students, particular attention is devoted to the contents of the lessons.