The Course provides a map – all along with a genealogical approach to the considered conceptual tools – of the main debates in contemporary Political philosophy concerning single issues, that will be identified every year.

The Course is intended to the acquisition of:
an in-depth knowledge of authors and texts in contemporary Political philosophy;
critical and interpretative conceptual tools both in reading and in debating;
skills in the written exposition of the considered issues.

International students can ask for writing the paper in their native language or in English.
teacher profile | teaching materials


For a humanistic approach to the socio-environmental crisis: the Environmental Humanities - the work of Isabelle Stengers.

Core Documentation

I. Stengers, Nel tempo delle catastrofi. Resistere alla barbarie che viene, Rosenberg & Sellier 2021
F. Giardini, I nomi della crisi, Kluwer 2017 - cap. 1 (reperibile on line)
M. Amiero, F. Giardini, D. Angelucci, D. Gentili, D. Balicco, I. Bussoni, Environmental Humanities I. Scienze sociali, politica, ecologia, DeriveApprodi 2021 - lettura consigliata

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and debate

Type of evaluation

A paper (about 30,000 digits) on the topics and texts of the course to be discussed at the oral exam. The paper must be delivered ten days before the chosen exam date by e-mail to: federica.giardini@uniroma3.it Erasmus students can present their paper in their native language or in English