20710583 - Music for school inclusion

The course aims to promote students' methodological and didactic skills to conceive, design and manage inclusive learning environments. The school needs the inclusive learning environments to respond coherently to the cultural complexity that characterizes the current society.
In this context, the course pursues the following educational objectives:
• to know the fundamentals of special education to promote school and social inclusion, in particular for students and students with special educational needs, and to develop individualized and effective interventions to prevent exclusion and discrimination;
• to understand the relevance of the "musical play" in the process of developing the identity, learning, autonomy, creativity, and participation of each student;
• to develop educational-didactic skills and animation skills aimed at enhancing individual potential, personal well-being and social well-being in an inclusive school context.
• to reinterpret the role of the music teachers in the context of inclusive teaching-learning processes wihin the secondary schools.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course will offer some useful tools to plan inclusive and interdisciplinary music activities.
In the perspective of school inclusion, the course will deal with the organization of inclusive teaching as a fundamental variable to guarantee the quality of processes and equity in the school.
Specifically, the theoretical-applicative principles that underlie the most effective organizational-didactic models will be proposed, with reference to the role of the teacher as the main factor of effective teaching.
Starting from a reflection about the aims of the discipline, we will analyze the most known and significant models of organization of inclusive teaching in formal education contexts with attention to the individualization and personalization models of the teaching, also in relation to the recent contribution provided by the 'evidence-based-education.
In this context, as well as in the light of the results of neuroscience, the potential of music as a methodological facilitator for the promotion of learning and participation of all students, in particular students with disabilities and with Specific Learning Disorders (DSA) will be analyzed .

The essential teaching contents are the following:
- the values, the theoretical-applicative principles and the concepts that are the basis of inclusive teaching;
- the characteristics of students with special educational needs;
- the theoretical principles of music for inclusion;
- the methods for designing an inclusive lesson based on musical experience: methodologies, tools, methods of assess and evaluation;
- the role of the musician teacher as facilitator for inclusion.

Core Documentation

- Rizzo A. L. (2021). Giochi musicali e disturbi dell'apprendimento. Roma: Carocci.
- Rizzo A.L., Spadolini, A. (2024).Musica per la compensazione dei DSA. Proposte didattiche inclusive tra neuroscienze e ricerca educativa. Milano: Volontè.
-Miur (2012). Nuove indicazioni nazionali per il curricolo della scuola dell'infanzia e del I ciclo di istruzione.


Attendance is not mandatory, but given the interactive and laboratory nature of the lectures, it is strongly recommended.

Type of evaluation

The exam consists in an oral interview. The exam includes a series of questions relating to the themes and concepts of each of the texts of the study program. The duration of the interview is about 20 minutes. The evaluation will take into account the relevance and the completeness of the contents exposed by the candidate and also the linguistic correctness of the exposure. In the presence of students with disabilities or with specific learning disorders, the individual needs are taken into account according to the provisions of current legislation. To take the exam, students (attending and non-attending) follow the same program.