20110228 - Tutela giurisdizionale dei diritti dei migranti

The course aims to provide basic knowledge of the system of judicial protection of migrants’ rights, through an analysis of procedural tools concerning the right to international protection and residence permits, the protection of the rights of unaccompained foreign minors reaching Italy and the procedures for irregular foreigners expulsion.
teacher profile | teaching materials


International protection prodeedings - Special protection proceedings - Judicial protection for unaccompanied foreign minors - Expulsion order

Core Documentation

Diritto processuale dell'immigrazione, a cura di Dalfino e Trisorio Liuzzi, Giappichelli, 2019

Type of delivery of the course

On line class - Microsoft Teams - every Thursday and Friday, 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 a.m., starting March 18th 2021.

Type of evaluation

The final exam consist in an oral test, with mandatory reservation. The oral test consists in two questions on different subjects. In case of missing an answer, the student receives an additional question. The professor reserves any evaluation on the importance of the subject and on the importance of missing any answer.