20110349 - Comparative public law of information technologies


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20110349 Diritto pubblico comparato delle tecnologie dell’informazione in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 PISTORIO GIOVANNA


The course examines, in a comparative perspective, the new information and communication technologies to understand the evolution of the constitutional provision ex art. 21 in the digital age and in particular in the "network" system. In particular, the course aims to study the limits to the freedom of expression of thought, to protect individuals and the community, with particular attention to the impact of algorithmic technologies on law.

Core Documentation

Vigevani, Pollicino, Melzi d'Eril, Cuniberti, Bassini, Diritto dell'informazione e dei media, Giappichelli, 2019, Parte I
4 articles chosen by the student:
G.L. Conti – M. Pietrangelo – F. Romano (a cura di), Social media e diritti. Diritto e social media, numero monografico della rivista Informatica e diritto, 2017, nn. 1-2 [http://www.ittig.cnr.it/EditoriaServizi/AttivitaEditoriale/InformaticaEDiritto/RivistaIeD1-2-2017_InteroFascicolo.pdf]

Type of delivery of the course

distance lessons.

Type of evaluation

oral exam

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20110349 Diritto pubblico comparato delle tecnologie dell’informazione in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 PISTORIO GIOVANNA


The course examines, in a comparative perspective, the new information and communication technologies to understand the evolution of the constitutional provision ex art. 21 in the digital age and in particular in the "network" system. In particular, the course aims to study the limits to the freedom of expression of thought, to protect individuals and the community, with particular attention to the impact of algorithmic technologies on law.

Core Documentation

Vigevani, Pollicino, Melzi d'Eril, Cuniberti, Bassini, Diritto dell'informazione e dei media, Giappichelli, 2019, Parte I
4 articles chosen by the student:
G.L. Conti – M. Pietrangelo – F. Romano (a cura di), Social media e diritti. Diritto e social media, numero monografico della rivista Informatica e diritto, 2017, nn. 1-2 [http://www.ittig.cnr.it/EditoriaServizi/AttivitaEditoriale/InformaticaEDiritto/RivistaIeD1-2-2017_InteroFascicolo.pdf]

Type of delivery of the course

distance lessons.

Type of evaluation

oral exam