20110657 - Activities: Freedom in the Roman world

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20110657 Attività: La libertà nel mondo romano in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 SPERANDIO MARCO URBANO


The course aims to analyze the concept of freedom (libertas) in Roman law, through a comparison with modern theories of freedom (or liberty), which oppose ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ freedom.

Core Documentation

1) G. Crifò, Su alcuni aspetti della libertà in Roma, in «Archivio Giuridico», 23 (1958), 3 – 72;

2) F. Schulz, “Libertas“, in «Novissimo Digesto Italiano», vol. IX, Torino, 1963, 872 – 879.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be delivered in distance learning mode, on the Teams platform


The course will be divided into five lessons, each of two hours

Type of evaluation

The exam will take place in oral form