20110044 - Diritti e libertà costituzionali

The aim of the course is to deepen the students knowledge on the rights of freedom from a historical, legislative and jurisprudential point of view.
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Mutuazione: 20110044 Diritti e libertà costituzionali in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 RIMOLI FRANCESCO


Fundamental rights in the historical evolution of legal systems - The rights of liberty - The social rights - The "new" rights - Fundamental rights and constitutional duties - The catalog of rights in the Italian Constitution - The mechanisms for the protection of rights.

Core Documentation

1) P.Caretti-G.Tarli Barbieri, I diritti fondamentali. Libertà e diritti sociali, V ed., Giappichelli, Torino, 2022;
2) F.Rimoli, Sulla retorica dei diritti, Mucchi, Modena, 2018.

Further readings will be indicated during the course.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be carried out through lectures (face-to-face and/or on line) which will require the active participation of students.

Type of evaluation

The oral exam checks the level of understanding of the fundamental concepts described in the course. Students will answer questions asked about the program, with reference to the recommended texts and lectures. The evaluation ranges from a minimum of 18/30, corresponding to the basic knowledge of all parts of the program and technical language, to a maximum score of 30/30 and honors, which is equivalent to mastery of the topics, excellent language property, excellent analytical ability.