20110067 - Laboratory on bibliographical research and scientific writing

The Laboratory aims to help students develop Research skills and improve their scientific writing skills.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20110067 Attività: Laboratorio di ricerca bibliografica e scrittura scientifica in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 DI PAOLO SILVIA


The workshop takes place during the second semester (month of April) and it runs in two sessions within a period of two weeks:

The first session (three meetings + a practical): the Professor introduces students to the research and writing of an academic text, showing different ways of collecting, reading and registering sources and bibliography. Students receive a general guide/vademecum on research methods and on the writing of an academic text (abstract, paper, dissertation).

The second session (three meetings + a practical): the Librarians illustrate the increasing wealth of library resources and the databases in open access, the strategies to find and consult them as well as the numerous services of the University Library System of Roma Tre.

Core Documentation

No textbook required

Type of delivery of the course

The workshop takes place during the second semester (month of April) and it runs in two sessions within a period of two weeks: The first session (three meetings + a practical): the Professor introduces students to the research and writing of an academic text, showing different ways of collecting, reading and registering sources and bibliography. Students receive a general guide/vademecum on research methods and on the writing of an academic text (abstract, paper, dissertation). The second session (three meetings + a practical): the Librarians illustrate the increasing wealth of library resources and the databases in open access, the strategies to find and consult them as well as the numerous services of the University Library System of Roma Tre.

Type of evaluation

Students interested in acquiring two academic credits will be asked to carry out their bibliographical research independently around a topic previously discussed and agreed with the Professor and then write an academic text including footnotes, final bibliography and relative abstract. The evalution, therefore, will be based on different research and writing assignments in telematic mode. Students are required to actively attend every meeting, which will take place on Teams.