The course is a legal clinic in the field of international human rights law. It works on projects that, in the said field, have a clear social justice aim. In this academic year, the clinic has been entrusted with two projects. First, pursuant to an agreement with the UNHCR, the clinic will work on the Project “Statelessness Legal Clinics: Strenghtening Legal Education and Practice on Statelessness”. The Project aims at strategically litigate cases before the Tribunal of Rome in cooperation with the UNHCR and the legal clinics of the Universities of Napoli Federico II and Turin IUC. Second, the clinic will participate in a strategic litigation proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights, on the issue of deprivation of liberty, in cooperation with ASGI.
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Mutuazione: 20110487 International Protection of Human Rights(Legal Clinic) in Scienze giuridiche per le nuove tecnologie LM/SC-GIUR Di Gianfrancesco Laura