20110748 - Activities: The Imputation of the Crime of Negligent Mission between Theory and Practice

It is proposed to analyze the criteria of imputation of the improper omissive culpable crime with particular regard to the position of guarantee and delegation of functions, ascertainment of causation and fault as well as objective and subjective elements of cooperation in culpable crime moving also from the examination of practical cases and relevant pronouncements in the field of occupational accidents.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20110748 Attività: L’imputazione del reato omissivo colposo tra teoria e prassi in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 PIVA DANIELE


The single-subjective and insolvency charge of negligent omission

Core Documentation

Mezzetti, Diritto penale, Casi e materiali, Zanichelli, 2023.


presence in classroom

Type of evaluation

oral examination