The International Humanitarian Law Legal Clinic aims to involve students in the elaboration of reports and other researches on behalf of relevant institutions in this ares. It contributes to foster the professional capacity of students.
teacher profile | teaching materials


TThe IHL Legal Clinic permits selected students involved in the International Humanitarian Law course at the Roma Tre Law Department both to cooperate on pro bono projects with leading international and national institutions operating in the area of international humanitarian law and acquire significant skills and a humanitarian-oriented approach beneficial for their competences, future activities and civil awareness.
The IHL Legal Clinic aims to put students to the test of humanitarian and legal challenges raised by contemporary armed conflicts and other crisis through cooperative projects with relevant stakeholders.

As for the 2018-2019 academic year planned projects will involve, for instance, cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross and the NATO SHAPE Legal Office and Amnesty International.
For further info see http://studylaw.uniroma3.it/international-humanitarian-law-legal-clinic_c10029.aspx

Core Documentation

Students will receive the relevant materials during class.