20110350 - Teoria generale del reato

The course aims to critically analyze the evolution of the thought of criminal law of the Western legal tradition of the last two centuries with regard to the dogmatic construction of crime and the systematics of its constituent elements in the light of the different historically predicted theories, also in consideration of the historical-philosophical context of reference.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The offence in the system of unlawful acts;
Analysis of the offence: the bipartite, tripartite and quadripartite conception;
The offence as an element of different types of liability.

Core Documentation

The course material and the reference bibliography will be indicated at the beginning of the course

Reference Bibliography

The course material and the reference bibliography will be indicated at the beginning of the course

Type of delivery of the course

The course of “General Theory of Crime” consists of teacher’s lectures.


Class attendance is not mandatory.

Type of evaluation

The exam is oral and students have to demonstrate knowledge of the main topics of “General Theory of Crime” and learning of the technical language.