The course aims to provide students with knowledge of the administrative justice system by examining the principles and procedural institutions.
teacher profile | teaching materials


A) History and development of the Italian Administrative Process. The normative evolution: from the Law of 1865 nr 2248 to the Code of Administrative Process (legislative decree of 2010 nr 104).
The role of the UE in the evolution of the Italian Administrative Process
B) Administrative Remedies
C) The judicial review
D) Other Administrative Judges (Corte dei conti and TRIBUNALE SUPERIORE DELLE ACQUE)
E) Alternative Dispute Resolution Remedies in the field of Administrative Law

Core Documentation

• A. TRAVI Lezioni di giustizia amministrativa, Giappichelli ult. ed., 2021 with the following remarks:
cap IV only reading
cap VI only the first 3 paragraphs
cap VII only paragraphs 1 and 5

The metter is subject to continuous legislative and jurisprudential changes. It is therefore necessary to check the program update up to thirty days before the exam date. A good knowledge of the fundamental reference standard is required:
- Artt. 24, 100, 101, 102, 103, 111, 113 e 125 Cost., art. 47 Carta di Nizza, artt. 6 e 13 CEDU
- L. 20 marzo 1865 n. 2248 All. E
- C.p.a. (D.lgs num. 104 del 2010)
- C.p.c. (articles applicable to the administrative process)
- Directive 89/665

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal or distance lessons according to the needs of the Department


Attendance to the course is highly recommended

Type of evaluation

Oral exam