20110654 - Activities: Drafting of deeds and opinions – CRIMINAL PROCESS LAW section Acts

In-depth study of judicial drafting techniques in criminal law and criminal procedure, functional for the student's preparation for postgraduate examination and competition tests.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course includes lectures and exercises.
The lectures consist of an explanation of the techniques for drafting the main acts in criminal proceedings.
The theoretical framework of the institutes of criminal procedural law necessary for the drafting of the proposed acts will then be provided.
The exercises consist of two written tests to be followed by participatory correction.

Core Documentation

Texts will be indicated in the first lesson.

Reference Bibliography

Texts will be indicated in the first lesson.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be conducted in distance learning mode, unless otherwise specified.

Type of evaluation

For the award of 1 CFU, attendance at least two lectures and the performance of both planned exercises is required, with a grade above the pass mark for each of them.