20110260 - Attività: Criminal and prison issue

Builnding a critical and inter-disciplinary knowledge on issues that have to do with criminal, social and prison policies, which are very often interdependent.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The students will study the causes, numbers and characteristics of crime and detention in Italy

Core Documentation

During the course, readings will be suggested

Type of delivery of the course

The course is in presence and attendance is compulsory. The activity requires compulsory attendance of six seminars with external guests (experts, scholars, lawyers, judges, journalists) to be held from Wednesday 15 November to 20 December. The topics covered will be: the role of the media in criminal cases; torture; the regime under Article 41-bis; feminicides and sexual violence; foreigners and crime; criminal justice and the censorship of ideas. In order to obtain the 3 CFUs, a final examination consisting in the drafting of a thesis is planned. To participate in the activity, you must register by 31 October by sending an e-mail to patrizio.gonnella@uniroma3.it


Attendance is compulsory

Type of evaluation

The final exam consists of a written work