20110501 - European International Bio Law

The course aims at shedding light on the many ways in which the law governs human life at its different stages, from conception to death. In this framework it also analyzes and discusses the “legal construction” of human bodies and sexuality with particular attention to European law.
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The course focuses on the many ways in which the law governs human life at its different stages, from conception to death. In this framework it also analyzes and discusses the “legal construction” of human bodies and sexuality with particular attention to European law.

The course comes in five parts:
1. Introduction to Bio Law;
2. The legal regulation of body parts, cells and genes;
3. Human reproduction;
4. The legal construction of the sexual body;
5. Legal aspects of health care and end of life.

Core Documentation

1 S. Rodotà, NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND HUMAN RIGHTS FACTS, INTERPRETATIONS, PERSPECTIVES, in Comparative Law Rev., Vol. 11/2, p. 6 ss. (14 pagine)
3 S. Rodota, Cultural Models and the Future of Bioethics, 10 J. CONTEMP. HEALTH L. & POL'y 33 (1994).

The legal regulation of body parts:
1) Radhika Rao, Genes and Spleens: Property, Contract, or Privacy Rights in the Human Body?, 35 Journal of Law 371 (2007). Available at: http://repository.uchastings.edu/faculty_scholarship/654 (10 pagine);
2) Assoc. for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., 569 U.S. 576 (2013)
al link https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/569/576/#tab-opinion-1970691
3) G. Resta, The Case against the Privatization of Knowledge: Some Thoughts on the Myriad Genetics Controversy

Human Procreation and reproductive Technologies:
a) Abortion:
1) Tamara Hervey, Tiyash Banerjee, Abortion rights in EU law: recent developments, in BioLaw Journal, Special Issue
2) Roe v. Wade;
3) R. B. Siegel, ....

Reproductive Technologies:
1) R. Rao, Egg-Freezing, Uterine Transplants, and In Vitro Gametogenesis: Disruptive or Normalizing Reproductive Technologies?, 22 HOUS. J. HEALTH L. & POL’Y 121 (2022);
2) In the Matter of Baby M.
3) Menneson v. France, European Court of Human Rights
4) C. Cossutta, Maternal relations, feminism and surrogate motherhood in the Italian context, Modern Italy, 2018 Vol. 23, No. 2, 215–226

The Construction of the Sexual Body:
1) S. Osella, Reinforcing the binary and disciplining the subject: The constitutional right to gender recognition in the Italian case law;
2) Bondage case, European Court of Human Rights;
3) P. Kotiswaran, The Laws of Social Reproduction: A Lesson in Appropriation

Health care and End of life:
1) Lambert case, European Court of Human Rights (2015);
2) Mortier v. Belgium, European Court of Human Rights (2022);
3) Gristina, Giuseppe, Busatta, Lucia & Piccinni, Mariassunta (2018). ITALIAN LAW ON INFORMED CONSENT AND ADVANCE DIRECTIVES: ITS IMPACT ON INTENSIVE CARE UNITS AND THE EUROPEAN LEGAL FRAMEWORK. Minerva Anestesiologica. 85. 10.23736/S0375-9393.18.13179-8.

Type of delivery of the course

The course is taught in presence and will begin on October 3rd according to the following schedule: Tue-Wed-Thur 4-6 pm. teaching methodology will encourage students’ interaction with teacher and colleagues. Students are invited to take an active part during classes by discussing the readings previously studied. To fully understand the coursework topics attendance is strongly recommended.

Type of evaluation

Final oral exam; in-class participation will be evaluated (where possible)