20110587 - Introduction to Digital Tecnologies

Technology is pervasive in our daily experience, but we must never forget that it is a tool at our service. We are surrounded by data, applications and digital services of all kinds and nature and we ourselves, more or less consciously, are users of these new digital technologies on a daily basis.
Technology makes it possible to record, store and analyze ever-growing quantities of data, to search, book, pay for goods and services, to manage relations with the public administration, to express our opinion on the services and goods we use, to access virtual realities, to consume entertainment services whenever we want and wherever we are, to communicate for work or pleasure with anyone wherever they are.
Therefore new problems of Control, Quality, Reliability, Certification, Security of the digital platforms on which we operate arise. The boundaries between social and private are more blurred, data can make us freer and more aware, or more vulnerable and orientable. Hand in hand with technology, it is necessary to develop the ability to search, integrate, elaborate, imagine and understand. And together with all this we need ethical awareness and social responsibility. In this context, great attention is paid to Artificial Intelligence and how it can be applied in different fields and how its applications are changing the world. Machine Learning in recent years has found wide areas of application, for example in the field of health.
In this course we will address these issues with an approach where the questions we ask ourselves will be more important than the answers we will find, together or individually.
teacher profile | teaching materials


New Paradigms for Digital Architectures
New Paradigms for Data Architectures
Emerging Issues - Data Privacy/Data Governance
GDPR - Regulations & Roles
Data Analysis & Design: W6H
Data Modeling - ER Model 
ER Model: Identification Keys - Hierarchies
ER Model: Exercises on ER Diagrams
ER Model: Exercises on Trasforming ERD into Tables
Data Warehouse-Multidimensional Model
Data Warehouse-Star Schema, Snowflake Skema, Galaxy Schemas
Data Warehouse-Exercises on Star/Snowflake/Galaxy Schemas
Test on ERA model - Homework
Big Data: Definition; NoSQL models
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning 
Test on the first part of the course (Technologies-Opportunities-Risks)
Presentation and discussion of the papers on the first part of the course
Deep Learning & Neural Networks
Deep Learning & Neural Networks
Regulation on Artificial Intelligence
BlockChain: Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts and Certification
Digital Identity: Definition and Regulations
Digital Divide: Definition and Regulations
The Industry 4.0 national plan: Objectives and enabling technologies
Digital Era: social and behavioral implications of new technologies
ChatGPT: Ethical, Social and Economic Implications
Test on the last part of the course (A.I. - ML - DL)
Final Discussion about the topics of the course

Core Documentation

"The Entity Relationship Model — Toward a Unified View of Data"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
© 2002 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Print ISBN: 978-3-642-63970-8

"Building the Data Lakehouse"
Bill Inmon, Mary Levins, Ranjeet Srivastava -
First Printing 2021
Copyright © 2021 by Bill Inmon, Mary Levins, and Ranjeet Srivastava
ISBN, print ed. 9781634629669
ISBN, Kindle ed. 9781634629676
ISBN, ePub ed. 9781634629683
ISBN, PDF ed. 9781634629690

Reference Bibliography

https://artificialintelligenceact.eu/the-act/ https://www.agid.gov.it/en/platforms/eidas#:~:text=The%20eIDAS%20regulation%20aims%20at,transactions%20in%20the%20European%20Union. https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/europe-fit-digital-age/european-digital-identity_en "ChatGPT: Implicazioni Etiche, Sociali ed Economiche" Pasquale Aiello, Senior Data Scientist Pietro Marinelli, Lead Data Scientist Maria Concetta Antonica, Lawyer expert in Intelligence and Military Law https://www.comunicatistampa.org/chatgpt-pasquale-aiello-su-implicazioni-etiche-sociali-ed-economiche "LE RICADUTE SOCIALI DELL’ERA DIGITALE - Alle soglie di una svolta antropologica" Dr. Rosa Chiapparelli CopyRights D.SSA ROSA CHIAPPARELLI ASSOCIAZIONE SOCIAL SKILLS


the attendance at the lessons is strongly reccomanded

Type of evaluation

the preparation of the course participants will be carried out with an oral exam or with individual project works during the course