Freight Transport and Logistics is a course related to the Transport Engineering sector, in the Master's Degree of Road Infrastructures and Transport. The main objective of this degree is to train a highly qualified civil engineer able to operate in the sectors of road infrastructures and transport systems.
The Freight Transport and Logistics course aims to provide students with the main knowledge of logistics and supply chain components, to the management of a warehouse with reference to incoming and outgoing flows, to the techniques for forecasting and managing freight demand, to the distribution of goods at different spatial level (urban, regional, national and international level).
Students will acquire highly professional and specialized skills on problems related to the planning of a supply chain such as 1) sizing and optimization of logistics nodes and infrastructures 2) methods and models for management of freight transport demand. Skills will also be acquired regarding the energy and environmental aspects of freight transport.
At the end of the course the students will be able to 1) size a logistic system in terms of nodes, infrastructures and networks, vectors and load units; 2) propose solutions for the transport of goods according to the distance, the quantities and the energy and environmental impacts; 3) solve problems of urban distribution of goods and evaluate possible interventions, also through the use of computer programming.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Industrial logistic trends and problems (demand forecast, site optimization, stock management, service level)
Goods transport at international, national and company level
A solution of transport for each problem
Types of companies involved
The way of containerization
Vehicle Routing Problem
The intermodal transports (road, railway, ship) and the transhipment
The intermodal structures and global flows of goods
City logistics
Energy and environmental aspects of freight transport

Core Documentation

«Business logistics/supply chain management» Ronald H. Ballou, Publisher: Prentice Hall; 5 edition (August 21, 2003)
«Logistics and supply chain management» Martin Kristopher, Publisher: FT Press; 4 edition (January 6, 2011)
«Modelli e metodi per l’organizzazione dei Sistemi logistici», G. Ghiani, R. Musmanno, Editore: Pitagora (31 ottobre 2000)
«Orientare al successo la supply chain», S.Cavalieri, R.Pinto, Editore: ISEDI; 2 edizione (1 aprile 2015)
«Handbook of Logistics and supply chain Management» (Handbooks in Transport), Editore: Pergamon (1 Jun. 2001) (1705)
«Supply chain Logistics management», D. Bowersox, D. Closs and M. Bixby Cooper, Mc Graw-Hill
Mc Graw Hill «Fundamental of logistics management», by D. M. Lambert, J.R. Stock, L. M. Ellram, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publishing Co
F.Dallari «Corso di Logistica e Trasporti» Hoepli

Reference Bibliography

«Business logistics/supply chain management» Ronald H. Ballou, Publisher: Prentice Hall; 5 edition (August 21, 2003) «Logistics and supply chain management» Martin Kristopher, Publisher: FT Press; 4 edition (January 6, 2011) «Modelli e metodi per l’organizzazione dei Sistemi logistici», G. Ghiani, R. Musmanno, Editore: Pitagora (31 ottobre 2000) «Orientare al successo la supply chain», S.Cavalieri, R.Pinto, Editore: ISEDI; 2 edizione (1 aprile 2015) «Handbook of Logistics and supply chain Management» (Handbooks in Transport), Editore: Pergamon (1 Jun. 2001) (1705) «Supply chain Logistics management», D. Bowersox, D. Closs and M. Bixby Cooper, Mc Graw-Hill Mc Graw Hill «Fundamental of logistics management», by D. M. Lambert, J.R. Stock, L. M. Ellram, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publishing Co F.Dallari «Corso di Logistica e Trasporti» Hoepli

Type of delivery of the course

Several exercises with the Microsoft Excel tool are conducted, as well as a project using MATLAB.


Face-to-face (not mandatory)

Type of evaluation

The evaluation consists of an oral exam on the topics covered during the course. During the oral exam the competences related to project exercises are also verified.