Fruizione: 20410729 Ecologia applicata in Biodiversità e Tutela dell'Ambiente LM-6 BATTISTI CORRADO, VANNICELLI CASONI LODOVICO, SCALICI MASSIMILIANO, COCCIA CRISTINA
Applied ecology BIO/06 Prof. Corrado Battisti (e-mail:; Mobile: 328.2289873)Aims: the course provides a basic conceptual framework in ecology and applied ecology, with a particular focus on the main approaches and procedures used in environmental planning, nature conservation and ecosystem management. During the course students will familiarize themselves with the problem-solving and project management approach applied to natural and semi-natural ecosystems.
1. Ecology - General principles: hierarchical scales; wildlife management and landscape planning: disciplinary system. Site-based and target-based approaches. Ecosystem and landscape: definitions. Neutrally-based, individually-based, observer-based landscapes.
2. Analysis and evaluation phase. Data collection techniques. qualitative and quantitative sampling methods (regular, stratified, random sampling). Sampling accuracy and bias. Distance sampling. Data analysis at population and community level.
3. Planning phase. Environmental planning. The planning process. Identification of priorities. Species action plans; site management plans. Connectivity conservation. environmental fragmentation. Connectivity, ecological networks: strengths and weaknesses. Target-species. Objective selection of focal species with expert-based approaches. Delphi open and delphi closed.
4. Wildlife management. Species management. habitat management. Threat diagnosis and analysis. DPSIR causal relationship. Threats analysis. Indicators. habitat restoration. The design cycle. Conservation measures (regulatory, administrative, contractual). Management actions (active interventions, regulations, incentives, monitoring and/or research programmes, educational programmes). Precautionary approach. The management of a protected area: logistics, administration, research, training, education, planning, design, conservation. Protocol for drafting a site-based plan (individual work): definition of actions, timing and allocation of resources, in the gym area: SPA 'Palude di Torre Flavia'.
Adopted handbooks:
Battisti C., Conigliaro M., Poeta G., Teofili C., 2013. Biodiversità, disturbi, minacce - dall’ecologia di base alla gestione e conservazione degli ecosistemi. Forum editrice universitaria udinese, 238 pp.
Wilson E.O., 1993. La diversità della vita. Rizzoli, Milano.
Dispensing model: traditional
Attendance: optional (suggested: mandatory)
Evaluation: written and oral exam with presentation of a project case study. The written test involves the administration of multiple choice questions on the main concepts addressed. During the oral session the student will propose a topic to be articulated in the form of a project cycle in a context of applied ecology.
The teacher is always available by appointment (email:; cell: 328.2289873).
Battisti C., Conigliaro M., Poeta G., Teofili C., 2013. Biodiversity, disturbances, threats - from basic ecology to management and conservation of ecosystems. Udine university publishing forum, 238 pp.
The teaching methods used include lectures, exercises and seminars. In order to favor the application of knowledge, exercises with field work and problem-solving simulations with group work are also foreseen. Compulsory attendance is recommended.
The verification of learning takes place through a written test lasting 2 hours. The writing is organized through a certain number of multiple choice questions, aimed at verifying the level of effective understanding of the concepts and the students' ability to apply them in real contexts. The formulation of an environmental project defined together with the teacher during the course will also be required, to be carried out in groups of 2-6 students. The project will be built together with the teacher and presented, once all the steps have been completed, to the exam session. Students will bring a technical project report and a presentation in digital format. Tests are foreseen during the course (in progress).
Core Documentation
Handbook:Battisti C., Conigliaro M., Poeta G., Teofili C., 2013. Biodiversità, disturbi, minacce - dall’ecologia di base alla gestione e conservazione degli ecosistemi. Forum editrice universitaria udinese, 238 pp.
Type of delivery of the course
DELIVERY MODE The teaching methods used include lectures, exercises and seminars. In order to favor the application of knowledge, exercises with field work and problem-solving simulations with group work are also foreseen. Compulsory attendance is recommended.Type of evaluation
EVALUATION MODE The verification of learning takes place through a written test lasting 2 hours. The writing is organized through a certain number of multiple choice questions, aimed at verifying the level of effective understanding of the concepts and the students' ability to apply them in real contexts. The formulation of an environmental project defined together with the teacher during the course will also be required, to be carried out in groups of 2-6 students. The project will be built together with the teacher and presented, once all the steps have been completed, to the exam session. Students will bring a technical project report and a presentation in digital format. Tests are foreseen during the course (in progress).Fruizione: 20410729 Ecologia applicata in Biodiversità e Tutela dell'Ambiente LM-6 BATTISTI CORRADO, VANNICELLI CASONI LODOVICO, SCALICI MASSIMILIANO, COCCIA CRISTINA
Fruizione: 20410729 Ecologia applicata in Biodiversità e Tutela dell'Ambiente LM-6 BATTISTI CORRADO, VANNICELLI CASONI LODOVICO, SCALICI MASSIMILIANO, COCCIA CRISTINA
Fruizione: 20410729 Ecologia applicata in Biodiversità e Tutela dell'Ambiente LM-6 BATTISTI CORRADO, VANNICELLI CASONI LODOVICO, SCALICI MASSIMILIANO, COCCIA CRISTINA
Fruizione: 20410729 Ecologia applicata in Biodiversità e Tutela dell'Ambiente LM-6 BATTISTI CORRADO, VANNICELLI CASONI LODOVICO, SCALICI MASSIMILIANO, COCCIA CRISTINA
Applied ecology BIO/06 Prof. Corrado Battisti (e-mail:; Mobile: 328.2289873)Aims: the course provides a basic conceptual framework in ecology and applied ecology, with a particular focus on the main approaches and procedures used in environmental planning, nature conservation and ecosystem management. During the course students will familiarize themselves with the problem-solving and project management approach applied to natural and semi-natural ecosystems.
1. Ecology - General principles: hierarchical scales; wildlife management and landscape planning: disciplinary system. Site-based and target-based approaches. Ecosystem and landscape: definitions. Neutrally-based, individually-based, observer-based landscapes.
2. Analysis and evaluation phase. Data collection techniques. qualitative and quantitative sampling methods (regular, stratified, random sampling). Sampling accuracy and bias. Distance sampling. Data analysis at population and community level.
3. Planning phase. Environmental planning. The planning process. Identification of priorities. Species action plans; site management plans. Connectivity conservation. environmental fragmentation. Connectivity, ecological networks: strengths and weaknesses. Target-species. Objective selection of focal species with expert-based approaches. Delphi open and delphi closed.
4. Wildlife management. Species management. habitat management. Threat diagnosis and analysis. DPSIR causal relationship. Threats analysis. Indicators. habitat restoration. The design cycle. Conservation measures (regulatory, administrative, contractual). Management actions (active interventions, regulations, incentives, monitoring and/or research programmes, educational programmes). Precautionary approach. The management of a protected area: logistics, administration, research, training, education, planning, design, conservation. Protocol for drafting a site-based plan (individual work): definition of actions, timing and allocation of resources, in the gym area: SPA 'Palude di Torre Flavia'.
Adopted handbooks:
Battisti C., Conigliaro M., Poeta G., Teofili C., 2013. Biodiversità, disturbi, minacce - dall’ecologia di base alla gestione e conservazione degli ecosistemi. Forum editrice universitaria udinese, 238 pp.
Wilson E.O., 1993. La diversità della vita. Rizzoli, Milano.
Dispensing model: traditional
Attendance: optional (suggested: mandatory)
Evaluation: written and oral exam with presentation of a project case study. The written test involves the administration of multiple choice questions on the main concepts addressed. During the oral session the student will propose a topic to be articulated in the form of a project cycle in a context of applied ecology.
The teacher is always available by appointment (email:; cell: 328.2289873).
Battisti C., Conigliaro M., Poeta G., Teofili C., 2013. Biodiversity, disturbances, threats - from basic ecology to management and conservation of ecosystems. Udine university publishing forum, 238 pp.
The teaching methods used include lectures, exercises and seminars. In order to favor the application of knowledge, exercises with field work and problem-solving simulations with group work are also foreseen. Compulsory attendance is recommended.
The verification of learning takes place through a written test lasting 2 hours. The writing is organized through a certain number of multiple choice questions, aimed at verifying the level of effective understanding of the concepts and the students' ability to apply them in real contexts. The formulation of an environmental project defined together with the teacher during the course will also be required, to be carried out in groups of 2-6 students. The project will be built together with the teacher and presented, once all the steps have been completed, to the exam session. Students will bring a technical project report and a presentation in digital format. Tests are foreseen during the course (in progress).
Core Documentation
Handbook:Battisti C., Conigliaro M., Poeta G., Teofili C., 2013. Biodiversità, disturbi, minacce - dall’ecologia di base alla gestione e conservazione degli ecosistemi. Forum editrice universitaria udinese, 238 pp.
Type of delivery of the course
DELIVERY MODE The teaching methods used include lectures, exercises and seminars. In order to favor the application of knowledge, exercises with field work and problem-solving simulations with group work are also foreseen. Compulsory attendance is recommended.Type of evaluation
EVALUATION MODE The verification of learning takes place through a written test lasting 2 hours. The writing is organized through a certain number of multiple choice questions, aimed at verifying the level of effective understanding of the concepts and the students' ability to apply them in real contexts. The formulation of an environmental project defined together with the teacher during the course will also be required, to be carried out in groups of 2-6 students. The project will be built together with the teacher and presented, once all the steps have been completed, to the exam session. Students will bring a technical project report and a presentation in digital format. Tests are foreseen during the course (in progress).Fruizione: 20410729 Ecologia applicata in Biodiversità e Tutela dell'Ambiente LM-6 BATTISTI CORRADO, VANNICELLI CASONI LODOVICO, SCALICI MASSIMILIANO, COCCIA CRISTINA
Fruizione: 20410729 Ecologia applicata in Biodiversità e Tutela dell'Ambiente LM-6 BATTISTI CORRADO, VANNICELLI CASONI LODOVICO, SCALICI MASSIMILIANO, COCCIA CRISTINA
Fruizione: 20410729 Ecologia applicata in Biodiversità e Tutela dell'Ambiente LM-6 BATTISTI CORRADO, VANNICELLI CASONI LODOVICO, SCALICI MASSIMILIANO, COCCIA CRISTINA