The course aims at providing students the basic concepts of electrical engineering, regarding the analysis of electrical circuits and the principles of operating of electrical appliances and systems
teacher profile | teaching materials


From fields to circuits: the limits and validity of the circuit theory. Circuit elements and electrical components. Dipoles. Nodes, branches and network. Kirchhoff's laws. Connections in series and in parallel. Conventions of the generators and users. Electric power. Tellegen's theorem. Linearity, time-invariance, memory. Constitutive laws of passive dipoles: resistor, inductor, capacitor, voltage ideal generators and current ideal generator, mutual inductances, ideal transformer. Analysis of networks without memory: general methods of nodes and mesh nets equivalent. Graphs theory. Cut and tree and co-tree methods. Substitution theorem. Superposition theorem. Theorem of Thevenin-Norton. RLC networks of the first and second order. Permanent and transient response. Free and forced response. State equation and natural frequencies of a eletric network. Analysis in permanent schemes. Sinusoidal. Phasor method. Concept of impedance and admittance in the frequency domain. Active, reactive and complex power. Notes on harmonic regime and the Fourier series. Two-ports networks representation. Example of two-ports LC filters. Symmetrical three-phase systems, unbalanced or balanced, star or delta, three or four wires. Power in three-phase systems. Power factor correction. Methods of measurement of power in three-phase systems. Magnetic circuits. Rotating magnetic field. Notes on electrical machines: single-phase transformers, asynchronous and synchronous machine.

Core Documentation

Repetto M. | Leva S.
2022 | Città Studi Edizioni
Isbn edizione digitale: 9788825175400
Isbn edizione a stampa: 9788825174489

Laudani, Riganti
Quaderno di appunti di elettrotecnica. Esercizi sui circuiti elettrici
Pigreco Edizioni

Lesson notes

Reference Bibliography

Alexander, Sadiku, Gruosso, Storti Gaiani, Circuiti Elettrici, VI edizione McGraw Hill Desoer, Kuh, Fondamenti di Teoria dei Circuiti, Franco Angeli

Type of evaluation

The written examination consists in the discussed solution of some excercises about resistive and dynamical circuits. The duration of the test is between 2 or 3 hours and in the proposed exercises the corresponding score is indicated in case of correct solution. The subsequent oral examination is a discussion on themes of the course.