The aim of the course is to show both the theoretical and the practical side of the basics in linear algebra and geometry. This will allow the student to obtain a flexible foundation well suited for describing, interpreting and solving problems connected with electronics and telecommunications
teacher profile teaching materials
2- Matrix product; invertible matrices; rank of a matrix; Rouche'-Capelli Theorem.
3- Vectors and Vector spaces. Subspaces; linear indipendence and generators.
4- Basis of a vector space; dimension; Grassmann Formula.
5- Linear maps; kernel and image of a linear map. Rank-nullity Theorem. Matrix associated to a linear map.
6- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Diagonalization of linear maps.
1- Linear Systems: coefficients matrix, sum and scalar multiples of matrices; reduced form and echelon reduced form; Gauss-Jordan Algorithm.2- Matrix product; invertible matrices; rank of a matrix; Rouche'-Capelli Theorem.
3- Vectors and Vector spaces. Subspaces; linear indipendence and generators.
4- Basis of a vector space; dimension; Grassmann Formula.
5- Linear maps; kernel and image of a linear map. Rank-nullity Theorem. Matrix associated to a linear map.
6- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Diagonalization of linear maps.
Core Documentation
F. Flamini, A. Verra: Matrici e vettori. Corso di base di geometria e algebra lineare. Carocci.Reference Bibliography
E. Schlesinger: Algebra lineare e geometria, Zanichelli. L. Mauri e E. Schlesinger: Esercizi di algebra lineare e geometria, Zanichelli. W. Keith Nicholson: “Linear algebra with applications”. McGraw-Hil.Type of delivery of the course
Classroom lectures.Type of evaluation
The final exam consists of a written exam which lasts 2 hours. The exercises will be based on the topics covered during classes.