The course introduces the fundamentals of digital electronics.
The principle of operation and the characteristics of basic digital electronic devices such as inverters, logic gates and flip-flops, will be illustrated before moving to more complex digital devices.
The course provides the main tools for the analysis and design of combinational and sequential logic digital circuits.
The fundamentals of analog to digital and digital to analog conversion will be discussed.
The principle of operation and the characteristics of basic digital electronic devices such as inverters, logic gates and flip-flops, will be illustrated before moving to more complex digital devices.
The course provides the main tools for the analysis and design of combinational and sequential logic digital circuits.
The fundamentals of analog to digital and digital to analog conversion will be discussed.
teacher profile teaching materials
Sequential circuits: Set-Reset latch. Set-Reset latch with clock. Master-Slave flip-flop. J-K flip-flop. D flip-flop. Edge triggered flip-flop. Shit registers (SISO, PIPO, SIPO, PISO). Right-shift, left-shift and bidirectional shift of binary data. Ring shift, 1 and 0 circulators. Asynchronous binary counters: ripple counter and frequency dividers. Forward and backward counters. Bidirectional counters. Arbitrary base counters. Synchronous counters. Ring counters.
Analog-to-digital conversion. Sampling theorem. SAR, Flash and sigma-delta converters.
Digital Design from Zero to One
John Wiley & sons, Inc., 1996
Combinational devices and circuits: logic variables, Boole’s algebra and Boolean functions. Truth tables, Karnaugh’s maps. Boolean function minimization and representation with NAND ports (SOP) and NOR ports (POS). Output timing in combinational circuits. Don’t care conditions. Combinational circuits design with logic ports. Encoder and decoders. Function generation with decoders. Multiplexers and demultiplexers. Function generation with multiplexers. Read Only Memories. Programmable logic devices (PAL and PLA).Sequential circuits: Set-Reset latch. Set-Reset latch with clock. Master-Slave flip-flop. J-K flip-flop. D flip-flop. Edge triggered flip-flop. Shit registers (SISO, PIPO, SIPO, PISO). Right-shift, left-shift and bidirectional shift of binary data. Ring shift, 1 and 0 circulators. Asynchronous binary counters: ripple counter and frequency dividers. Forward and backward counters. Bidirectional counters. Arbitrary base counters. Synchronous counters. Ring counters.
Analog-to-digital conversion. Sampling theorem. SAR, Flash and sigma-delta converters.
Core Documentation
Jerry D. DanielsDigital Design from Zero to One
John Wiley & sons, Inc., 1996
Reference Bibliography
Jerry D. Daniels Digital Design from Zero to One John Wiley & sons, Inc., 1996Type of delivery of the course
Frontal lessons and classroom exercises.Type of evaluation
Students are evaluated with two alternative modalities (each student can choose their preferred evaluation method): a. Two intermediate written tests and one final oral exam. Each test is evaluated on a 0-30 scale; a mark equal or greater than 18 is required to access the next tests. Final evaluation accounts for the marks obtained in both the written and oral tests. b. One written exam and one oral exam. The written exam is evaluated on a 0-30 scale; a mark equal or grater than 18 is required to access the oral exam. Final evaluation accounts for the marks obtained in both the written and oral exams.