The lessons will give fundamentals and methodologies on electrical applications with reference, in particular, to electrical machines and power plants devoted to generation, transportation, distribution and utilization of the electric energy.
The students will face simple design problems and numerical exercises.
teacher profile | teaching materials



Review of electromagnetism fundamentals, basic principles and theorems for the analysis of electric and magnetic circuits. Representation of sinusoidal electric quantities, definition of circuit impedance and analysis of single-phase and three-phase circuits; instantaneous power, active power and power factor in single-phase and three-phase circuits.
Instruments and methods for measuring current, voltage, active power, power factor and energy in single-phase and three-phase circuits.
Basic principle and operating characteristics of power transformers.
Theory of the rotating magnetic field; basic structure and operating characteristics of induction and synchronous machines.
Components and systems being used in power plants devoted to either generation or transportation or distribution of the electric energy; protection against either overvoltages or overcurrents; sizing of low-voltage secondary-network systems; power-factor correction; protective grounding and safety-related aspects in power distribution systems.

Core Documentation

 G. Chitarin, F. Gnesotto, M. Guarnieri, A. Maschio, A. Stella - Elettrotecnica, 1 - Principi - Società Editrice Esculapio
 G. Chitarin, F. Gnesotto, M. Guarnieri, A. Maschio, A. Stella - Elettrotecnica, 2 - Applicazioni - Società Editrice Esculapio
 F. Iliceto, S. Rosati - Impianti di distribuzione dell'energia elettrica - Edizioni Efesto
 Additional Documents and Numerical Exercises - http://moodle1.ing.uniroma3.it


Class attendance is not mandatory but strongly recommended to benefit from continuous interaction with both the lecturer and other students.

Type of evaluation

The examination consists of a written preliminary test and an oral test, which constitutes the actual examination and determines the achievement of CFUs. Those who have obtained a positive evaluation in the written test or in each of the two "waiver tests" provided during the course are admitted to the oral test. Those who have had negative evaluation in the first waiver test may not participate in the second waiver test. With positive evaluation in the two waiver tests, it is possible to present oneself to take the written test, but this implies that the positive outcome of the two waiver tests is automatically cancelled. Successful completion of the written test (or the two waiver tests) is retained for the entire academic year (i.e., for the June through February examination sessions) in which the written test was taken and allows you to appear no more than 2 times to take the oral test. Successful completion of the written test is contingent on the correct numerical resolution of the questions, and the correct wording of the problem resolution alone is generally a necessary but not sufficient condition. The written test and waiver tests consist of numerical solving of one or two exercises, in an interval of 75 or 90 minutes, in which technical questions related to the topics covered by the course such as: solving electrical circuits in steady state in alternating current, single-phase or three-phase, determining the operating conditions of electrical machines under specified load conditions, calculating the operating conditions of electrical distribution systems.