20810080 - GEOMETRY

The course aims to provide an introduction to those aspects of linear mathematics and geometry needed in science and engineering.


teacher profile | teaching materials


Linear algebra:
Matrix theory. Determinants, rank. Linear systems. Vector spaces. Linear morphisms. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Diagonalization. Scalar product, Symmetric operators. Spectral theorem.
Affine and Euclidean geometry of the plane and of the space.

Core Documentation

F. Flamini, A. Verra: Matrici e vettori. Corso di base di geometria e algebra lineare. Carocci.
E. Schlesinger: Algebra lineare e geometria, Zanichelli.
L. Mauri e E. Schlesinger: Esercizi di algebra lineare e geometria, Zanichelli.

Type of evaluation

traditional written examination

teacher profile | teaching materials


Linear Algebra:
Matrices. Determinants. Rank. Linear systems. Vector spaces. Linear applications. Eigenvalues ​​and eigenvectors.
Diagonalization. Scalar product. Symmetric operators.
Affine geometry of the plane and space. Euclidean geometry of the plane and space.

Core Documentation

F. Flamini, A. Verra: Matrici e vettori. Corso di base di geometria e algebra lineare. Carocci.
Also suggested:
E. Schlesinger: Algebra lineare e geometria, Zanichelli.
L. Mauri e E. Schlesinger: Esercizi di algebra lineare e geometria, Zanichelli.

Alternatively, any book dedicated to Engineering classes can be freely chosen.

Type of delivery of the course

Lessons in presence, 4 or 5 hours per week, according to the academic calendar. Self-assessment exercises will be assigned to be carried out at home. It is suggested to study and practice the topics as they are presented.

Type of evaluation

Written examination, with both calculation and theoretical questions (possible oral colloquium).