20810328 - CHEMISTRY

The course aims to provide students with the tools necessary to frame in a logical and sequential
way, not merely descriptive, the main chemical and physico-chemical phenomena related to the
microscopic and macroscopic behavior of matter.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Atom Structure: orbitals, poly-electron atoms, periodic table; covalent bond, delocalized bond.
Mass relationship in chemical reactions; redox and oxidation number.
Solids: metallic crystal, ionic crystal, molecular crystal, covalent crystal.
Gases: the ideal gas law, partial pressures.
Thermodynamics: nature and type of energy, the zero law of T.D., heat capacity, the first law of TD and Enthalphy, the second law of TD, entropy and free energy, equilibrium conditions.
Liquids: phase change, phase diagrams.
Chemical equilibrium: the equilibrium constant and the equilibrium law
Properties of liquid solutions: concentration units, the Raoult law and distillation, colligatives properties and freezing diagram, electrolytes.
Solutions of strong and weak electrolytes. Acids and bases, pH; Salt hydrolysis; buffer solutions.
Fundamentals of electrochemistry

Core Documentation

Texts reported in class
Course slides on moodle site

Reference Bibliography

presented during the course and reported on the reference slides

Type of delivery of the course

the course includes the illustration of the fundamental concepts of chemistry. On some of them numerical applications will be proposed


attendance at the course is not mandatory but useful

Type of evaluation

test in presence consisting of open questions, both theory and numerical exercises