Electronics Laboratory is an experimental lab course that provides the fundamentals of electronic design, simulation, construction, test and debugging of analog and digital electronic circuits. Lectures will be devoted to design strategies and methods. The intensive use of PSpice simulation will allow fast circuit verification before its fabrication. The course will include several measurement techniques to perform the experimental tests. Expected results are the ability to design electronic circuits for both analog and digital signal processing, the knowledge of the characteristics of the major electronic components and skills in the use of PSpice simulator, combined with the ability to measure electrical quantities with laboratory instrumentation.
teacher profile | teaching materials


1) Review of devices and circuits
• amplifiers
• building blocks
• feedback
• noise in electronic systems

2) Case study 1 (analog electronics): audio Hi-Fi circuits (preamplifiers, tone controllers, output stages, power supply)
• Theory
• Simulations
• Fabrication
• Tests

Core Documentation

P. Horowitz, W. Hill, “L’arte dell’elettronica”, Zanichelli
C.D. Motchenbacher, J.A. Connelly, “Low noise electronic system design”, Wiley Interscience.
P. Tobin, “PSpice for Circuit Theory and Electronic Devices”, Morgan&Claypool Pub.