The aim of the module is to provide students with the skills required to carry out the analysis of technologies and conversion systems for the exploitation of marine renewable energy sources.
After the module, the student should have an up-to-date picture of the most relevant and presently available solutions and of the expected futujre developments. He/she will be able to to carry out the analysis and to assess the performance of abovementioned systems.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Analysis of marine renewable energy sources: description, availability, analysis of power collection systems.

Wind energy: resource availability assessment, types of available machines, power production principles, performance evaluation, technical and installation issues, environmental impact.

Wave energy: oscillating water column systems, oscillating body systems, overtopping systems. Machines and other devices for power production: state of the art and future developments.

Tidal energy. Barrage based systems with single and double basin, types of available machines. Tidal current technologies: types of turbine, availale techologies and future developments.

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC): closed cycle systems, open systems, hybrid systems. Reference thermodynamic cycles and working fluids. State of the art and future development.

Osmotic Energy: Pressure-Retarded Osmosis (PRO) based systems, state of the art and expected development.

Biofuel from marine biomass.

Core Documentation

Domenico Coiro; Tonio Sant, “Renewable Energy from the Oceans: From wave, tidal and gradient systems to offshore wind and solar”, IET Digital Library, 2019

Simon Neill, M Reza Hashem, “Fundamentals of Ocean Renewable Energy”, Elsevier Academic Press, 2018

Bernard Multon, “Marine Renewable Energy Handbook”, Wiley-ISTE, 2013

Daniele Cocco, Pierpaolo Puddu, “Tecnologie delle energie rinnovabili”, S.G.E., 2016

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching is organized with lectures. Some lessons are dedicated to practical insights of what learned during the theoretical lessons, through exercises guided by the teacher.

Type of evaluation

The verification of the learning takes place through an oral test in which questions are proposed in order to verify the understanding of the concepts and the ability of the student to apply them in real contexts.