Physical properties of sea waters (salinity, temperature, density), sea leve, tides; currents; bathymetry; morfology of sea bottoms and coasts; survey and geophysical survey methods; ecology of sea waters.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Introduction to the class, Earth’ structure, introduction to mineralogy, main Earth forming minerals. Main type of rocks (igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary). Plate Tectonics Theory. Morphology of the sea floor. Principles of sedimentology. Costal geomorphology and depositional environments. Deep see depositional environments. Marine carbonates and evaporites. Tectonic, volcanism and sedimentation of plate margins and the oceanic floor. Natural hazard along costs. Chemical physical properties of water. Ocean and climate. Atmospheric and oceanic circulation. Geophysical methods for the sea floor. Geotechnical principles in sea floor systems. Oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea. Climatic and anthropic impact on costal dynamics. Benthic and Planktonic ecosystems. Climatic and anthropic impact on marine ecosystems Marine minerals and energy

Core Documentation

- Understanding Earth (Edition 7), Thomas H. Grotzinger and John, Jordan, Editor: W. H. Freeman, ISBN-13: 978-1464138744
- Oceanography: An Invitation to Marine Science (Edition 9), Tom S. Garrison and Robert Ellis, Editor: Cengage Learning, ISBN-13: 9781305105164

Type of delivery of the course


Type of evaluation
