The course analyzes fluid motion and energy processes of systems. Aim of the course is to teach students methodologies that, moving from the scientific content of thermodynamics and fluid-dynamics, lead to engineering tools that are used to describe processes involving changes in pressure, temperature, transformation of energy into work and heat, and the relationships between heat and work. Such engineering tools are general because no hypothesis is made concerning the structure and type of problem. The energy processes that convert heat from available energy sources, such as chemical fuels, into work are the major concern of this course that consists of a number of analytical and theoretical methods which may be applied to machines to industrial power, heating and cooling (refrigeration) systems.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Energy needs and sources
Classification and general characteristics of fluid machines
Thermal and thermodynamic processes of machines and energy systems
Characteristics of working fluids
Hydroelectric power plants
Wind turbines
Fuels and combustion
Steam power plans
Gas turbine power plant
Internal combustion engines
Combined-cycle power plants
Photovoltaic systems, fuel cells - outlines
Environmental impact of energy systems - outlines

Core Documentation

Introduzione allo studio delle machine, Oreste Acton, Carmelo Caputo, UTET 1979
Impianti motori, Oreste Acton, Carmelo Caputo, UTET 1992
Gli impianti convertitori di energia, C. Caputo, Masson 1997

Type of delivery of the course

- Teaching is based on lectures, classroom exercises and experimental demonstration activities conducted in the classroom on components and equipment specially set up for teaching. - The teaching is organized starting from the identification of actual problems in the field of energy systems; the student, faced with the need solve the problems, is guided in the formulation and resolution phases; the student is involved in the development of critical analysis tools and advanced operational skills.

Type of evaluation

- The assessment of learning takes place through an oral exam, divided into several questions aimed at probing the level of skills acquired by the student, both in terms of in-depth study of the different themes, and in terms of completeness of the preparation. - During the oral interview, the candidate can illustrate the activities carried out on a self- developed design activity in the field of energy systems. - The exam dates will follow the exam schedule of the Teaching College of Mechanical Engineering. For each call on the calendar there will be a preliminary meeting, in which a calendar of oral tests will be defined according to the needs of the students (in terms of dates and time).