20801758 - DATABASES I

Presentation of models, methods and tools for the definition, design and development of software systems that manage large sets of data. A student who has passed the course will be able to: (i) develop software applications that make use of databases of even high complexity, (i) design and built autonomously databases of medium complexity, and (iii) be involved in the project and development of large databases of high complexity.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20801758 BASI DI DATI I in Ingegneria informatica L-8 N0 ATZENI PAOLO


Database systems: general properties. Relational model. Relational algebra. SQL. Conceptual database design. Logical database design. Normalization-

Core Documentation

P. Atzeni et al. Basi di dati 4/Ed. McGraw-Hill, 2014 (in alternative, any major database textbook, contact the instructor for advice)
Additional material available on the course site:

Type of evaluation

The written examination contains 3-6 exercises, aimed at verifying the level of effective comprehension of the concepts and the ability of the student to apply them in practical contexts. All the exam (and midterm) tests of previous years (since 1998) area available on the course Web site: http://www.dia.uniroma3.it/~atzeni/didattica/BDN/compitiPDF/index.html