The objective is to expose students of the Laurea Magistrale to an application/experimental-driven experience. This objective is achieved by means of a series of dedicated lectures and experimental activities performed in the Multifunctional Materials Laboratory. These activities are focused on the theoretical and experimental study of some manufacturing processes and characterization techniques of advanced biomaterials.
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Key concepts of mechanics of materials are first presented. These concepts are then used to discuss the behavior of natural and artificial biological materials and their applications. Synthesis, production and characterization of advanced active and passive materials - including intelligent materials - are discussed. A wide variety of characterization techniques will be presented starting from a morphological assessment up to the functional response. The characterization, synthesis/production techniques will be presented with a theoretical and an experimental approach through dedicated laboratory activities. The experimental activities are dedicated to specific techniques for the synthesis of artificial biomaterials as well as to produce and characterize new materials. An important part of the course is dedicated to the implementation of an experimental or numerical short thesis that will target specific applications in the biomedical field.

Core Documentation

Lectures will be distributed during the course

Type of delivery of the course

The course is devided in 3 parts. In a first part lectures will be delivered to the students, then training and lectures will be carried out in the lab as preliminary activities to develop the experimental thesis that will be chosen by the students.


The experimental activities require to work in the laboratory

Type of evaluation

The written test can be taken either during the course through 2 mid term exams or at the end of the course on the full program. The oral exam consists on a presentation and discussion of the short thesis that the students develop during the course.