The objectives will be the study and comprehension of systems of system theory and the modeling of large infrastructures (distribution networks, telecommunication networks, transportation networks). Interdependencies among different infrastructures will be analyzed with the aim of evaluating the distributed risk and designing resilient systems. Service oriented architectures will be studied as well as distributed awareness systems.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Richiami di architetture per il controllo distribuito e reti di sensori
Modelli di interdipendenze
Modelli di simulazione per sistemi interdipendenti
Supervisione di sistemi distribuiti
Sistemi di Situation Awarness distribuiti
Sistemi di Valutazione del Rischio distribuiti
Protezione Infrastrutture Critiche
Business Continuity e Quality of Service
Architetture Service Oriented e Application Server
Progettazione e verifica di Standard Operation Procedures (SOP)

Core Documentation

Notes of the professor

Type of evaluation

The exam can be passed completing all the homeworks (one or more) and a colloquium.