Enable students to deepen the main Machine Learning models and methods, such as Regression, Classification, Clustering, Deep Learning, and use them as tools for the development of innovative technologies.
teacher profile | teaching materials


1. Regression
Review of Linear Regression
Assessment and Overfitting in the Regression
Feature Selection and Lasso

2. Classification
Review of Logistic Regression for classification
Overfitting in the Classification
Boosting. AdaBoost algorithm
Support Vector Machine (Large Margin Classification, Kernel I, Kernel II)
Naïve Bayes

3. Clustering and Retrieval
Algorithm K-NN
Algorithm K-Means
Expectation Maximization
Applications to Information Retrieval

4. Dimensionality Reduction
Data compression and visualization
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Choice of the number of principal components
Applications to Recommender Systems

5. Deep Learning
Deep Forward Networks
Regularization for Deep Learning
Convolutional Networks
Various applications

6. Case studies and projects
Several case studies will be exposed and projects will be proposed to apply the notions learned on various domains of interest.

Core Documentation

Lecture notes by the professor.

Type of delivery of the course

Classroom lectures and exercises.

Type of evaluation

The verification of learning takes place through a written test lasting two hours and through the realization of a project. The test is organized through a certain number of open-ended questions, aimed at verifying the level of understanding of concepts and methods presented in the course. Exam papers from previous years are available for students. The project consists in applying the methods and techniques presented in class to concrete cases.