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Mutuazione: 20702497 STORIA ECONOMICA in Scienze della Comunicazione L-20 SABATINI GAETANO


The course outlines the formation and the development of the main capitalistic economies both in Europe and out of Europe between 19th and 20th centuries.

I. The first and second industrial revolution
- The preconditions for capitalist development in modern Eastern Atlantic, Centuries 17-18th.
- Expanded commercial agricultural revolution and industrial revolution in Britain in the eighteenth century.
- The process of capitalist concentration in the nineteenth century and the second industrial revolution.
II. Economic development in the 20th century
- Industry, trade networks, financial markets on the eve of the First World War.
- The economic cycles in the postwar period
- The crisis of 1929 and national policies in the '30s.

Core Documentation

For the students following the course
- G. Feliu, C. Sudrià, Introduzione alla storia economica mondiale, Padova, CEDAM, 2013, capp. 1 – 11.
and one book to be chosen between:
- F. Braudel, Espansione europea e capitalismo. 1450-1650, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015.
- L. Conte, V. Torreggiani, Istituzioni, capitali e moneta. Storia dei sistemi finanziari contemporanei, Milano, Mondadori, 2017, Introduzione + capp. 1-3.

The students that will not follow the course must add:
M. Fornasari, La banca, la borsa, lo Stato. Una storia della finanza (secc. XIII-XXI), Torino, Giappichelli, 2017, pp. 1-154.

Type of evaluation

Written and oral text