20706024 - Spanish language and translation 3rd yr 1st/2nd language LLE and OCI curricula

First Language (3° year LLE)
Achievement of C1 level in receptive skills, B2+ in productive skills.
Consolidation of:
A) knowledge and understanding of the main features of the foreign language;
B) ability to communicate ideas, attitudes and intentions;
C) ability to analyze written texts using acquired knowledge;
D) ability to use translation resources and tools;
E) knowledge and understanding of theoretical and methodological issues relating to translation as linguistic and cultural mediation;
F) application of acquired knowledge to texts used in selected professional contexts;
G) autonomous learning skills;
H) Ability to analyze different spoken and written text typologies with the aim of planning short
language and intercultural didactic paths within second language teaching in educational and institutional settings.
Translation of short different text typology texts and produced in different contexts(workshop).
Analysis of teaching course-books and materials related to the second foreign language as well as projects of short didactic paths.

Second Language (3° year LLE)
Achievement of B2 level in all skills
Development of:
a) Knowledge and understanding of the main features of the foreign language
b) ability to communicate ideas, attitudes and intentions;
c) ability to analyze written texts using acquired knowledge;
d) ability to use main translation resources and tools;
e) autonomous learning skills;
f) knowledge and understanding of theoretical and methodological issues relating to translation
g) application of acquired knowledge to texts used in selected professional contexts.

European Language (3° year OCI)
Achievement of C1 level in receptive skills, B2+ in productive skills.
Consolidation of:
a) knowledge and understanding of the main features of the foreign language;
b) ability to communicate ideas, attitudes and intentions;
c) ability to analyze written texts using acquired knowledge;
d) ability to use translation resources and tools;
e) knowledge and understanding of theoretical and methodological issues relating to translation as linguistic and cultural mediation;
f) application of acquired knowledge to texts used in selected professional contexts;
g) ability to solve different problematic issues in cultural contexts characterized by the use of the foreign language.
h) autonomous learning skills;
Translation of short texts.


teacher profile | teaching materials


Spanish linguistics for mediation 3.
Pragmatic and (inter)cultural aspects between lexicon and discourse.

The course aims to develop the knowledge of the linguistic and discourse structures of Spanish, in a linguistic and cultural mediation-oriented perspective.
Attention will be focused on linguistic aspects carrying pragmatic and (inter)cultural implications: on one hand, the students will reflect on the use of lexicon and idiomatic expressions, which will be dealt with from a theoretical and an applied perspective; on the other hand, more extensive discourse phenomena will be analyzed, such as rhetorical processes and politeness strategies. The students will also explore the contrastive and translation implications of such aspects, by means of written and oral mediation activities to and from Spanish, working on a selection of specialized and non-specialized texts, coherent with the field of study of linguistic and cultural mediation.

Language improvement classes (Linguistic experts): activities aimed at developing reading, writing, listening and speaking skills at B2+/C1 level (first language students), B2 (second language students).

Core Documentation

Javier MUNOZ-BASOLS, Nina MORENO, Inma TABOADA, Manel LACORTE (eds.), Introducción a la lingüística hispánica actual: teoría y práctica, Taylor and Francis, 2017 (selected chapters).

QUIROGA, Fraseología italo-española. Aspectos de lingüística aplicada y contrastiva, Granada, 2006 (selected chapters).

The detailed course's programme together with the complete list of bibliographical references and other materials will be published through the Moodle platform. All students are asked to register in the platform.

Reference Bibliography

Reference grammars María Lozano Zahonero, Gramática de perfeccionamiento de la lengua española, Niveles C1-C2, Bologna, Hoepli, 2011 (per studenti di Prima Lingua LLE e OCI). María Lozano Zahonero, Gramática de referencia de la lengua española, Niveles A1-B2, Bologna, Hoepli, 2010 (per studenti di Seconda lingua LLE). Manuel Carrera Díaz, Grammatica spagnola, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1997. Reference dictionaries Rossend Arqués y Adriana Padoan, Il grande dizionario di spagnolo, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2012. RAE, Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 2014 (23ª ed.) (accesso online). Ignacio Bosque, Redes. Diccionario combinatorio de español, Madrid, Espasa, 2004. Secundí Sañé e Giovanna Schepisi, Spagnolo idiomatico. Dizionario Spagnolo-Italiano di frasi idiomatiche, colloquiali e gergali, Zanichelli, 2013. Additional bibliographical references (dictionaries, grammars, corpora, etc.) will be shared with students during the course through the professor's personal website and the Moodle platform.

Type of evaluation

written and oral exam

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20706024 LINGUA E TRADUZIONE SPAGNOLA 3 - 1^ LINGUA / 2^ LINGUA / OCI in Lingue e mediazione linguistico-culturale L-12 N0 PALMERINI MONICA


Spanish linguistics for mediation 3.
Pragmatic and (inter)cultural aspects between lexicon and discourse.

The course aims to develop the knowledge of the linguistic and discourse structures of Spanish, in a linguistic and cultural mediation-oriented perspective.
Attention will be focused on linguistic aspects carrying pragmatic and (inter)cultural implications: on one hand, the students will reflect on the use of lexicon and idiomatic expressions, which will be dealt with from a theoretical and an applied perspective; on the other hand, more extensive discourse phenomena will be analyzed, such as rhetorical processes and politeness strategies. The students will also explore the contrastive and translation implications of such aspects, by means of written and oral mediation activities to and from Spanish, working on a selection of specialized and non-specialized texts, coherent with the field of study of linguistic and cultural mediation.

Language improvement classes (Linguistic experts): activities aimed at developing reading, writing, listening and speaking skills at B2+/C1 level (first language students), B2 (second language students).

Core Documentation

Javier MUNOZ-BASOLS, Nina MORENO, Inma TABOADA, Manel LACORTE (eds.), Introducción a la lingüística hispánica actual: teoría y práctica, Taylor and Francis, 2017 (selected chapters).

QUIROGA, Fraseología italo-española. Aspectos de lingüística aplicada y contrastiva, Granada, 2006 (selected chapters).

The detailed course's programme together with the complete list of bibliographical references and other materials will be published through the Moodle platform. All students are asked to register in the platform.

Reference Bibliography

Reference grammars María Lozano Zahonero, Gramática de perfeccionamiento de la lengua española, Niveles C1-C2, Bologna, Hoepli, 2011 (per studenti di Prima Lingua LLE e OCI). María Lozano Zahonero, Gramática de referencia de la lengua española, Niveles A1-B2, Bologna, Hoepli, 2010 (per studenti di Seconda lingua LLE). Manuel Carrera Díaz, Grammatica spagnola, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1997. Reference dictionaries Rossend Arqués y Adriana Padoan, Il grande dizionario di spagnolo, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2012. RAE, Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 2014 (23ª ed.) (accesso online). Ignacio Bosque, Redes. Diccionario combinatorio de español, Madrid, Espasa, 2004. Secundí Sañé e Giovanna Schepisi, Spagnolo idiomatico. Dizionario Spagnolo-Italiano di frasi idiomatiche, colloquiali e gergali, Zanichelli, 2013. Additional bibliographical references (dictionaries, grammars, corpora, etc.) will be shared with students during the course through the professor's personal website and the Moodle platform.

Type of evaluation

written and oral exam