Acquisition of second level knowledge and skills (corresponding to CEFR B1), of problems solving skills with particular regard to linguistic interaction within cultural dialogue contexts and improvement of productive skills focused on linguistic integration issues.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Usage and functions of the aspectual particles, verbal complements, ‘ba’ sentence, passive sentence and comparative sentence, extended usage of directional complements, estended usage of interrogative pronouns, expression of emphasis.
History of the Chinese language, periodization and typological classification, main features of modern Chinese lexicon, morphology and syntax.

Core Documentation

F. MASINI ET AL, Il cinese per gli italiani (vol. 2), Hoepli, 2006.
C. ROMAGNOLI, J. WANG, Grammatica d’uso della lingua cinese, Hoepli, 2016.
Papers on different aspects of Chinese linguistics

Type of evaluation

Students are required to take a test at the end of the term and a final examination (written and oral).