The aim of the course is to grasp the meaning of the great processes of transformation occurred in the Western world between the Second Industrial Revolution and the end of the Cold War. Both the features of these processes and their consequences within and outside the Euro-American region are considered, stressing in particular the emergence of a mass society and a global world. A discussion of the main trends in contemporary historiography is included.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20710619 Storia contemporanea (A - L per Lingue) in Scienze storiche, del territorio e per la cooperazione internazionale L-42 CARUSI PAOLO


Global history elements from 2° industrial revolution (seventies of XIX century) to the fall of Soviet Union (1991)

Core Documentation

A good textbook foh high school (1870-1991)

Type of delivery of the course

In classroom or online according to the provisions Covid-19

Type of evaluation

written test for attending students oral exam for non - attending students