20710238 - Lingua e traduzione lingua portoghese e brasiliana III

One of the main aims of this Course of Study is the acquisition of competences in two foreign languages, which is based on the development of the four active and passive written-oral skills, to analyse the study of intercultural and transcultural phenomena through the tools and methodologies of linguistic and philological analysis, as well as the theory and practice of translation.
Portuguese and Brazilian Languages and Translation III is among the characterizing activities of the "Language and translation" area. The aim of the module is to provide students with level C1 language skills and strategies (based on the CEFR) and to enhance their language strategies. It also aims at developing their ability to move in the linguistic context, both at a diachronic and a diatopic level, and to consolidate their metatextual consideration skills.
Students will be able to put into practice the acquired linguistic and communicative skills (active, passive and mixed); delve deeper in translation problems related to different textual genres, also in a transmedia perspective; interpret reality in a multilingual and multicultural perspective thanks to a strengthened intercultural competence; they will also possess consolidated communicative and argumentative skills.
Pre-requisite: Portuguese and Brazilian Languages and Translation II
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20704191 LINGUA E TRADUZIONE PORTOGHESE E BRASILIANA 3 - 2^ LINGUA in Lingue e mediazione linguistico-culturale L-12 N0 DE ROSA GIAN LUIGI


The course aims at analyzing the process of re-standardization of European Portuguese (EP) and Brazilian Portuguese (BP) through the study and investigation on a series of phenomena of morphosynthetic nature. During the lessons we will compare constructions of the standard grammar of Portuguese with emerging constructions in EP and BP neostandard, deepening the following elements: a) the sentence and its constituents; b) the grammatical valence and functions; c) classes of verbs; d) the communicative and semantic structure of the sentence; e) the deixis.

Core Documentation

Gian Luigi De Rosa, “Reflexos do processo de restandardização do PB no falado fílmico brasileiro contemporâneo”, in Augusto Soares da Silva, Amadeu Torres & Miguel Gonçalves (a cura di), "Línguas Pluricêntricas: Variação Linguística e Dimensões Sociocognitivas", Aletheia, Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Braga, 2011.
Gian Luigi De Rosa, “Segmentazione e costruzioni marcate nel parlato filmico brasiliano contemporaneo”, in Sonia Netto Salomão, Giorgio de Marchis & Simone Celani (a cura di), Italia, Portogallo, Brasile: un incontro di storia, lingua e letteratura attraverso i secoli, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Roma, 2014.
Gian Luigi De Rosa, “Formas de tratamiento alocutivo y estrategias de interacción: el uso de «você» en el PE y en el PB”, in Antonio Scocozza Giuseppe D ́Angelo (eds.), Magister et Discipuli, Filosofía, historia, política y cultura, Tomo I, Penguin Random House, Bogotá, 2016.
Gian Luigi De Rosa, “O sujeito nulo na aquisição do português brasileiro como língua estrangeira”, in Vânia Cristina Casseb-Galvão, Gian Luigi De Rosa, Kleber Aparecido Silva e Lennie Aryete Pereira Bertoque (eds.), O sujeito gramatical no português brasileiro. Expressão, concordância, ergatividade e afetamento (co-curatela con), Parábola Editorial, São Paulo, 2020, pp. 61-78, ISBN 978-65-86250-09-1.
Inês Duarte, "O português moderno: da România à România nova", in G. Lanciani e G. de Marchis (a cura di), "Da Roma all’oceano. La lingua portoghese nel mondo", La Nuova Frontiera, Roma, 2008.
Maria Eugenia Duarte, "Do pronome nulo ao pronome pleno: a trajetória do sujeito no português do Brasil",in ROBERTS, Ian & KATO, Mary A. (orgs.), Português brasileiro: Uma viagem diacrônica. Homenagem a Fernando Taral/o. Campinas: Editora da Unicamp, 1993.
Isabel Leiria, "Percorsi della lingua portoghese dopo l’aprile del 1974", in Giorgio de Marchis (a cura di), "Lusoglosse", la Nuova frontiera, Roma 2011.
Fernando Tarallo, "Diagnosticando uma gramática brasileira: o português d’aquém e d’além-mar ao final do século XIX". In: Ian Roberts & Mary A. Kato (eds.), "Português Brasileiro. Uma viagem diacrônica". Campinas: Editora Unicamp, 1993.

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures, workshops and seminars.

Type of evaluation

The written and oral tests aim to assess the achievement of the expected learning outcomes. The oral interview could be held remotely, via audio-video conference using Microsoft Teams software.