20706024 - Spanish language and translation 3rd yr 1st/2nd language LLE and OCI curricula

First Language (3° year LLE)
Achievement of C1 level in receptive skills, B2+ in productive skills.
Consolidation of:
A) knowledge and understanding of the main features of the foreign language;
B) ability to communicate ideas, attitudes and intentions;
C) ability to analyze written texts using acquired knowledge;
D) ability to use translation resources and tools;
E) knowledge and understanding of theoretical and methodological issues relating to translation as linguistic and cultural mediation;
F) application of acquired knowledge to texts used in selected professional contexts;
G) autonomous learning skills;
H) Ability to analyze different spoken and written text typologies with the aim of planning short
language and intercultural didactic paths within second language teaching in educational and institutional settings.
Translation of short different text typology texts and produced in different contexts(workshop).
Analysis of teaching course-books and materials related to the second foreign language as well as projects of short didactic paths.

Second Language (3° year LLE)
Achievement of B2 level in all skills
Development of:
a) Knowledge and understanding of the main features of the foreign language
b) ability to communicate ideas, attitudes and intentions;
c) ability to analyze written texts using acquired knowledge;
d) ability to use main translation resources and tools;
e) autonomous learning skills;
f) knowledge and understanding of theoretical and methodological issues relating to translation
g) application of acquired knowledge to texts used in selected professional contexts.

European Language (3° year OCI)
Achievement of C1 level in receptive skills, B2+ in productive skills.
Consolidation of:
a) knowledge and understanding of the main features of the foreign language;
b) ability to communicate ideas, attitudes and intentions;
c) ability to analyze written texts using acquired knowledge;
d) ability to use translation resources and tools;
e) knowledge and understanding of theoretical and methodological issues relating to translation as linguistic and cultural mediation;
f) application of acquired knowledge to texts used in selected professional contexts;
g) ability to solve different problematic issues in cultural contexts characterized by the use of the foreign language.
h) autonomous learning skills;
Translation of short texts.


teacher profile | teaching materials


Spanish linguistics, mediation and translation. Theoretical aspects and spaces of application.

The course has the twofold objective of a) refining the awareness about the linguistic structures of Spanish, with special attention to the pragmatic-discursive and sociolinguistic dimension b) developing the knowledge of contexts and spaces of linguistic-cultural mediation while enhancing, at the same time, the mediation and translation skills. At the same time, the course promotes the development of written and oral comprehension and production skills in Spanish.
The contents of the module are divided into three parts: the first part will be characterized by a pragmatic and sociolinguistic perspective, focusing, in particular, on the analysis of phenomena of phraseology and courtesy as well as on contact situations involving the spanish language; in the second part, students will be accompanied in the exploration of the possible spaces of mediation in Spanish, through oral and written activities on a variety of areas; the last part focuses on translation skills and proposes a workshop activity of analysis and translation of a selection of specialized texts consistent with the themes and contexts covered during the lessons.

Language Exercises (Language Experts): activities aimed at developing productive and receptive skills to reach the B2+/C1 (first language), B2 (second language) level.

Core Documentation

A) Textbooks and articles:

- Emilio RIDRUEJO (2019), Manual de lingüística española, De Gruyter (selected chapters).

- Maria Vittoria CALVI, "Cambio de código y conciencia bilingüe en entrevistas a inmigrantes hispanoamericanos en Italia", en “RIL Revista Iberoamericana de Lingüística” 10, 2015, pp. 5-31.

B) Readings:
- Valeria LUISELLI, Los niños perdidos, 2016.

C) Audiovisual materials:
- Retorno a Hansala, Chus Gutiérrez, 2008.

Additional exam materials (textual and audiovisual) will be supplied during the course.

Reference Bibliography

Reference grammars - María Lozano Zahonero, Gramática de perfeccionamiento de la lengua española, Niveles C1-C2, Bologna, Hoepli, 2011 (First language students LLE e OCI). - María Lozano Zahonero, Gramática de referencia de la lengua española, Niveles A1-B2, Bologna, Hoepli, 2010 (for Second language students LLE). - Manuel Carrera Díaz, Grammatica spagnola, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1997. Dictionaries - RAE, Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 2014 (23ª ed.) (online access). - Ignacio Bosque, Redes. Diccionario combinatorio de español, Madrid, Espasa, 2004. - Rossend Arqués y Adriana Padoan, Il grande dizionario di spagnolo, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2012. Additional reference texts will be indicated during the course.

Type of delivery of the course

In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19 all the provisions that regulate the way in which teaching activities and student evaluation are carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following modalities will be applied: distance teaching on Teams and/or Moodle.


Regular lecture attendance is strongly recommended.

Type of evaluation

In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19 all the provisions that regulate the way in which teaching activities and student evaluation are carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following modalities will be applied: distance teaching on Teams and/or Moodle

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20706024 LINGUA E TRADUZIONE SPAGNOLA 3 - 1^ LINGUA / 2^ LINGUA / OCI in Lingue e mediazione linguistico-culturale L-12 N0 PALMERINI MONICA


Spanish linguistics, mediation and translation. Theoretical aspects and spaces of application.

The course has the twofold objective of a) refining the awareness about the linguistic structures of Spanish, with special attention to the pragmatic-discursive and sociolinguistic dimension b) developing the knowledge of contexts and spaces of linguistic-cultural mediation while enhancing, at the same time, the mediation and translation skills. At the same time, the course promotes the development of written and oral comprehension and production skills in Spanish.
The contents of the module are divided into three parts: the first part will be characterized by a pragmatic and sociolinguistic perspective, focusing, in particular, on the analysis of phenomena of phraseology and courtesy as well as on contact situations involving the spanish language; in the second part, students will be accompanied in the exploration of the possible spaces of mediation in Spanish, through oral and written activities on a variety of areas; the last part focuses on translation skills and proposes a workshop activity of analysis and translation of a selection of specialized texts consistent with the themes and contexts covered during the lessons.

Language Exercises (Language Experts): activities aimed at developing productive and receptive skills to reach the B2+/C1 (first language), B2 (second language) level.

Core Documentation

A) Textbooks and articles:

- Emilio RIDRUEJO (2019), Manual de lingüística española, De Gruyter (selected chapters).

- Maria Vittoria CALVI, "Cambio de código y conciencia bilingüe en entrevistas a inmigrantes hispanoamericanos en Italia", en “RIL Revista Iberoamericana de Lingüística” 10, 2015, pp. 5-31.

B) Readings:
- Valeria LUISELLI, Los niños perdidos, 2016.

C) Audiovisual materials:
- Retorno a Hansala, Chus Gutiérrez, 2008.

Additional exam materials (textual and audiovisual) will be supplied during the course.

Reference Bibliography

Reference grammars - María Lozano Zahonero, Gramática de perfeccionamiento de la lengua española, Niveles C1-C2, Bologna, Hoepli, 2011 (First language students LLE e OCI). - María Lozano Zahonero, Gramática de referencia de la lengua española, Niveles A1-B2, Bologna, Hoepli, 2010 (for Second language students LLE). - Manuel Carrera Díaz, Grammatica spagnola, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1997. Dictionaries - RAE, Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 2014 (23ª ed.) (online access). - Ignacio Bosque, Redes. Diccionario combinatorio de español, Madrid, Espasa, 2004. - Rossend Arqués y Adriana Padoan, Il grande dizionario di spagnolo, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2012. Additional reference texts will be indicated during the course.

Type of delivery of the course

In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19 all the provisions that regulate the way in which teaching activities and student evaluation are carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following modalities will be applied: distance teaching on Teams and/or Moodle.


Regular lecture attendance is strongly recommended.

Type of evaluation

In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19 all the provisions that regulate the way in which teaching activities and student evaluation are carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following modalities will be applied: distance teaching on Teams and/or Moodle