20710221 - Russian Literature I

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710221 Letteratura russa I in Lingue e letterature per la comunicazione interculturale L-11 PICCOLO LAURA


The course aims at introducing to Russian Culture and Literature, from the origins to the A.S.Pushkin's times,through the prism of the city's images.

Core Documentation

E. Lo Gatto, Storia della letteratura russa, Firenze, Sansoni (diverse edizioni)
Storia della civiltà letteraria russa, a cura di M. Colucci e R. Picchio, Torino, UTET, 1997, v. I.
G. Carpi, Storia della letteratura russa, Roma, Carocci, 2010

A.S. Puškin Evgenij Onegin
A.S. Griboedov Che disgrazia l’ingegno
M.Ju. Lermontov Un eroe del nostro tempo
N.V. Gogol’ I racconti di Pietroburgo
F.M. Dostoevskij Le notti bianche

2 readings (1 Pushkin)
A.S. Puškin La figlia del Capitano/ Boris Godunov/I racconti di Belkin/Piccole tragedie/La dama di picche
Avvakum Vita dell’arciprete Avvakum scritta da lui stesso
A.N. Radiščev Viaggio da Pietroburgo a Mosca
N.M. Karamzin La povera Liza

- Scelta di poesie e di brani (i materiali saranno distribuiti nel corso delle lezioni)
I materiali sono disponibili presso la biblioteca "Petrocchi"

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be taught in Italian.The 36-hour course is divided into 30 hours of frontal teaching and 6 hours of seminars / student-assisted teaching. The course schedule will be made available by the professor during the lectures, and posted on her website. During the course, the professor will point out some events - conferences, theatre shows, etc. – to which the students will be required to attend (at least 2 of those indicated). Covid19 situation: further information will be given at the begining of the semester.


Incoming students info Erasmus students, or any exchange students, can take their examination in Russian, English or French. Arrangements are to be made before the exam. Additional info Attendance and participation are highly encouraged. Non-attending students should contact us immediately at the beginning of academic year to discuss what they should be doing. The course is taught mainly in Italian.

Type of evaluation

The final evaluation will be carried out by the students: - participation in specific tests in progress; - oral examination