20710215 - Letteratura spagnola I

One of the main aims of this Course of Study is to provide students with advanced knowledge of two foreign literatures related to the two languages of their choice, paying special attention to intercultural and transcultural dynamics. The course also aims at refining their ability to interpret cultural phenomena, using the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis.
Spanish Literature I is among the characterizing activities of the "Foreign Literatures" area. It provides the student with initial knowledge and understanding of the Spanish literary culture through the reading of exemplary texts analysed paying special attention to intercultural dynamics. It helps students discover the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis.
At the end of the module, students will be able to read and understand literary texts in the original language employing the analytical methods and tools they will have learned in class; furthermore, they will possess the necessary communicative skills to re-elaborate the acquired disciplinary contents.


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The course aims to explore the tragic 'fatum' in the Spanish theatre through the analysis of some representative texts included in a temporal, cultural and literary horizon ranging from the XVII century to the 1950s. By reading and critical commenting on the texts indicated, the student will be introduced to the study of Spanish culture and literature and to the acquisition of basic methodological notions for the analysis of dramaturgical texts.

Core Documentation

TEXTS (where a specific edition is indicated, it is the one required for exam preparation):

• Lope de Vega, Il cavaliere di Olmedo, trad. di F. Antonucci, testo spagnolo a fronte, in Il teatro dei Secoli d’Oro, a cura di M. G. Profeti, Milano, Bompiani, vol. I);
• Calderón de la Barca, La vita è un sogno, ed. F. Antonucci, testo spagnolo a fronte, Venezia, Marsilio;
• Federico García Lorca, Bodas de sangre/Nozze di sangue, edizione bilingue a cura di E. Pittarello, Venezia, Marsilio;
• Alfonso Sastre, Escuadra hacia la muerte/Squadra verso la morte. Edición, estudio crítico y traducción de Enrico di Pastena, Pisa, ETS, 2013.

PS. The reading of the texts must be complete and will be verified during the exam.

Reference Bibliography

LITERARY CRITICISM and NOTIONS OF HISTORY AND LITERARY HISTORY: a) F. Antonucci, Calderón de la Barca, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2020 (cap. I [1., 2., 3.]; cap. III [1., 5.]); b) F. Antonucci, Il Novecento letterario spagnolo: percorsi, Pisa, ETS (unità 7); c) D. Manera, M. Bianchi, G. Calabrese, S. Cattaneo, S. Trecca, Letteratura spagnola contemporanea, Pearson, 2020 (Parte 1 pp. 3-15; Parte 3 pp. 407-424); d) L. Chines, C. Varotti, Che cos’è un testo letterario, Roma, Carocci (capp. 1-2); e) Le introduzioni alle edizioni consigliate (vedi punto 1, Testi).

Type of delivery of the course

The course will take place according to different types of assisted teaching, consisting of lectures alongside other activities, such as: presentations and / or group work in the classroom, written exercises that can be assessed for the purpose of the exam. The section dedicated to the historical-cultural and literary framework of the texts of the Siglo de Oro will take place in the first part of the course through lectures, in which some basic methodological notions for the analysis of the dramaturgical text will also be provided. For the analysis and commentary of the works indicated in the program in the point 'Texts', as well as for the notions necessary to provide a historical-cultural reference framework for the other works, the lectures will be combined with the other forms of assisted teaching indicated above. Should the Covid-19 emergency continue, the lessons will take place remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform.


Active and constant attendance is highly recommended for an adequate preparation for the exam. During the course, the attending student will be led to carry out a series of on-going exercises that will contribute for a 30% to the final assessment of skills. Non-attending students are invited to contact the teacher at least two months before the exam. During the interview, the teacher will indicate the specific program for the 'non-attending' mode (other than the one indicated above) and will provide all the information and support materials for individual study. Those who have not followed this process will not be allowed to take the exam.

Type of evaluation

There will be an ongoing evaluation of the theoretical-methodological notions and of the literary knowledge acquired through a series of individual and / or group exercises assigned in the classroom (or on the Microsoft Teams platform) to be carried out both in written and oral form. The ongoing exercises will contribute for a 30% to the final examination; the remaining 70% will derive from the final oral examination. In the event of an extension of the Covid-19 emergency, all the procedures for carrying out student assessment will be implemented. In particular, the final examination will take place through the use of the Microsoft Teams platform.

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Description of course

The student will be introduced to the study of Spanish culture and literature. In particular, this course will explore the presence of love and death among the literary genders and through diverse epochs, by the study and analysis of some of the most representative texts of the Spanish literature.


A) Historical, literary and culture skills
Spanish culture of The Golden Age (poetry and theatre)
Spanish culture of Romanticism and Modernism (poetry, theatre and narrative)
Spanish culture in the Age of Avant-garde (poetry and theatre)
Evolution of Spanish society
Gender roles and functions in Spanish society (evolution)

Love and death in light of the concept of “tragicómico”
Love and death from a tragical perpective
Love and death from a romantic perpective
Love and death from the Decadentism perspective

Methodology for social and cultural approaches
Methodology for literary approaches
Methodology bases for the analysis of literary texts.

Core Documentation

• F. de Rojas, La Celestina, introduzione di C. Samonà, Milano, BUR (no other edition should be used) ;
• Garcilaso de la Vega, Egloga I (provided by the professors);
• Federico García Lorca, Nozze di sangue, edizione di E. Pittarello, Venezia, Marsilio (no other edition should be used).
• Poetry anthology from Classicism to the 27th Generation (provided by the professors);
• Anthology of the Mith of Don Juan from its origins to Modern Decadentism (extracts from Tirso de Molina, José de Espronceda, José Zorrilla, Ramón del Valle-Inclán), provided by the teachers.


• Carlos Alvar, José Carlos Mainer, Rosa Navarro, "Storia della letteratura spagnola" Vol. I, Torino, Einaudi (only some parts);
• F. Antonucci, "Il Novecento letterario spagnolo: percorsi", Pisa, ETS (only some parts);
• The introductions of the indicated editions;
• Cesare Segre, “Analisi concettuale della I Egloga di Garcilaso”, provided by the teachers;
• Other bibliographic materials (provided by the teachers).

Reference Bibliography


Type of delivery of the course

36 hours of lessons. Note: in the event that emergency restrictions due to the pandemic situation are in place, the course will be done through videoconferences (software required: Microsoft TEAMS).


For attending students active participation is required. Mid-semester works , written and oral, will be assigned by the professor. For non-attending students a specific program will be provided. The student should contact the professor, at least two months before the date of the exam, in order to receive the instructions of the course.

Type of evaluation

Oral exam at the end of the course. Note: in the event that emergency restrictions due to the pandemic situation are in place, the exams will be done through videoconferences (software required: Microsoft TEAMS)

teacher profile | teaching materials


The student will be introduced to the study of Spanish culture and literature through a critical reading of the indicated works. In particular, the course aims to explore the constant and changing presence between eras and literary genres of the binomial love / death by reading, commenting and analyzing some canonical texts of Spanish literature.

A) Historical-literary and cultural skills
The Spanish culture of the Siglo de Oro (poetry and theater)
Spanish culture between romanticism and modernism (poetry, theater and prose)
Spanish culture in the vanguard era (poetry and theater)
Evolutionary lines of the Spanish company
Roles and functions of men and women in Spanish society (evolution)

B) Thematic skills
Love and death in a tragicomic key
Love and death in a tragic key
Love and death in a romantic key
Love and death in a decadentist key

C) Methodological skills
Approach methodologies to social and cultural phenomena
Approach methodologies to literary phenomena
Methodological bases for the analysis of the literary text (thematic and formal approach)

Core Documentation

• F. de Rojas, La Celestina, introduction by C. Samonà, Milan, BUR (mandatory edition);
• Garcilaso de la Vega, Egloga I, made available by the teachers;
• Federico García Lorca, Nozze di sangue, edition E. Pittarello, Venice, Marsilio (compulsory edition)
• Short anthology of poems from classicism to the generation of 27, made available by the teachers;
• Brief anthology on the figures of Don Giovanni from the origins to modernist decadentism (extracts from Tirso de Molina, José de Espronceda, José Zorrilla, Ramón del Valle-Inclán), made available by the teachers

Reference Bibliography

• Carlos Alvar, José Carlos Mainer, Rosa Navarro, Storia della letteratura spagnola. Vol. I, Torino, Einaudi (solo alcune parti indicate dai docenti all’inizio del corso); • F. Antonucci, Il Novecento letterario spagnolo: percorsi, Pisa, ETS (solo alcune parti indicate dai docenti); • Le introduzioni alle edizioni obbligatorie delle opere indicate alla sezione TESTI; • Cesare Segre, “Analisi concettuale della I Egloga di Garcilaso”, made available by the teachers; • Other critical essays made available by the teachers.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will take place through a total of 15 frontal lessons of two hours each (see attendance modality), to which will be added other programmed assisted activities (for a load of 6 hours plus the student's autonomous work) and made known through the Microsoft platform TEAMS and during the course itself, according to methods specifically indicated in the same locations. Students who, although attending, will be unable to take part in the 6 hours of assisted activities will fill the gap with personalized activities equivalent to the teaching load of the students who have taken part.


PLEASE NOTE: If the emergency conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic persist, the course will take place electronically, through video lessons on the Microsoft TEAMS platform. For non-attending students there is a specific program, which the student will have to agree on with an obligatory cognitive interview at least two months before the exam session in which he intends to take the exam.

Type of evaluation

The acquisition of the "historical-literary and cultural competences" will be verified by means of a compulsory in itinere test which will take place before the end of the course and which will give access to the oral test. The acquisition of "Thematic Skills" and "Methodological Skills" will be assessed through analysis and commentary on the works scheduled during the course and through ongoing assessment and self-assessment exercises. The skills not verified in the classroom will be assessed during the oral exam, which will turn to the dates of the exam sessions. PLEASE NOTE: If the emergency conditions due to the pandemic from COVID-19 persist, the exam will take place with an oral interview, held remotely, via audio-video conference with the use of the Microsoft Teams platform.