20710222 - Lingua e traduzione lingua francese II

One of the main aims of this Course of Study is the acquisition of competences in two foreign languages, which is based on the development of the four active and passive written-oral skills, to analyse the study of intercultural and transcultural phenomena through the tools and methodologies of linguistic and philological analysis, as well as the theory and practice of translation.
French Language and Translation II is amongst the distinguishing activities of the "Language and translation" area. The aim of the module is to provide students with level B2 language skills and strategies (based on the CEFR). It also aims to develop the ability to ponder on both the cultural context and the language structures (phonetic and morphological), as well as initiating the student to the analysis of the linguistic varieties with an in-depth study of the theoretical, methodological and socio-cultural problems inherent to literary and educational translation (French/Italian and vice versa).
Students will be able to put into practice the acquired linguistic and communicative skills (active, passive and mixed); rewrite and readjust the text from a transmedia point of view; they will also possess increased communicative skills and intercultural competences.
Pre-requisite: French Language and translation I
teacher profile | teaching materials


Starting from the notions of "langue/parole" (Saussure), communication (Jakobson) and discourse (Benveniste), the first part of course (6 CFU) intends to offer a broad excursus between Social Science and Science of the Language, following a linguistic-anthropological-cultural approach. The second part (6 CFU) will propose a workshop of translation practice and will introduce the students to the reflection on translation issues and to the different forms and types of text genres.

Core Documentation

- F. de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, Payot 1995 (chapters: Objet de la linguistique - La langue, sa définition; Place de la langue dans les faits de langage ; Nature du signe linguistique - Signe, signifiant, signifié ; l’arbitraire du signe ; le caractère linéaire du signifiant);
- R. Jakobson, « Linguistique et poétique », in Essais de linguistique générale, Minuit 1963 ;
- E. Benveniste, La nature des pronoms ; De la subjectivité dans le langage (in Problèmes de linguistique générale, 1, Gallimard 1966) L’appareil formel de l’énonciation (in Problèmes de linguistique générale, 2, Gallimard 1974) ;
- J.-M. Adam, - J.-M. Adam, Le problème du discours poétique selon Benveniste, in "Semen", 33, 2012
on line: https://journals.openedition.org/semen/9454
- R. Jakobson, « Aspects linguistiques de la traduction », in Essais de linguistique générale, Minuit 1963
- R. Boivineau, L’ABC de l’adaptation publicitaire, “Meta : Journal des traducteurs”, 1, mars 1972, pp. 5-28 (en ligne : https://www.erudit.org/revue/meta/1972/v17/n1/002097ar.html)
- corpus of texts for translation provided by the teacher on the plateforms Moodle and Teams

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons, unless otherwise specified by the university ministry

Type of evaluation

Midterm test and final oral exam. The midterm test is reserved to attending students. Non-attending students will directly take the final exam. For attending students fhe final result of the examination will be determined: 1) Active attendance and coursework (30%); 2) Written exam (30%); 3) Oral exam (40%). Non-attending students are requested to contact the teacher at least two months before the oral examination in order to agree on any additions to the syllabus.